Shop floor production order status

Article08/06/20242 min read

You can see the status of any released production order on the Shop Floor Production Status page. This page gives an overview and the latest routing status regarding the associated released production order. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

Select the Search icon , enter Shop Floor Production Status and then choose the related link.
The Shop Floor Production Status page opens.

The following fields are displayed on this page:

Entry No.Specifies the number of the production status entry.
Prod. Order No.Specifies the number of the production order related to this entry.
Prod. Order Line No.Specifies the line number of the production order that is related to the entry.
ItemSpecifies the default name assigned to the item on related documents such as orders or invoices. This description can be translated to show up in the language of the customer or vendor.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the defined item.
Operation No.Specifies the number of the production operation related to the entry.
Number of OperatorsSpecifies the number of operators who worked on the production order.
Shop Floor Control StatusSpecifies the status of the prod. order routing. This status is set up in the Shop Floor Production app.
Starting Date TimeSpecifies the starting date and starting time of this time entry.
Ending Date TimeSpecifies the ending date and ending time of this time entry.
Recurring ValueSpecifies the recurring value of this time entry.
Total Production Time in MinutesSpecifies the total production time in minutes of this time entry. This is the time that the routing line had the specific Shop Floor Production Status.
Quality Trigger Recurring CheckSpecifies the quality trigger recurring check of this time entry.
Work Center No.Specifies the work center number associated with the time entry.
Total Output QuantitySpecifies the total output quantity of this time entry.
Failure CodeSpecifies the code stating the reason behind the failure of the Released Production Order. This value is inherited from Power Apps.
Failure TextSpecifies the descriptive text that accompanies the failure code. It provides further details regarding the failure code. This value is inherited from the Power Apps.

The value of Failure Code and Failure Text fields are inherited from PowerApps and are in sync with Shop Floor Production Time Entries associated with the Released Production Order.