Routing line for labor costs

Article04/17/20243 min read

In the Shop Floor Production Power App, the duration of a routing line in the status Start-up, Production and Failure is registered as time registration entries. These entries are sent to Dynamics 365 Business Central and it is possible to post these time entries as capacity costs. Capacity costs are the costs that are associated with internal labor and machine costs. These capacity costs will be registered for the setup time and production time.

The machine costs for the setup time are calculated by the total duration of time entries for a routing line in the status ‘Start-up’, for the production time the total duration of all time entries with the status ‘Production’ are used.

The labor costs for the setup time are calculated by the total duration of all time entries for a routing line in the status ‘Start-up’ times the number of operators who worked on it. This also applies to the calculation of labor costs for the production time, using the total duration of the time entries with the status ‘Production’.

Machine costs are posted directly on the linked work center, for the labor costs a separate work center must be created. This work center must be added to the routing and linked to the routing line to which the labor costs apply.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Routings, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select and click the required No from the Routings list to open the Routing page.
  3. In the Operation No. field, enter the operation number for the specified routing line.
  4. In the Routing Line Labor Cost field, select the required Routing No.

When capacity entries are created for labor costs, these will be posted on the routing line linked as routing line labor cost.


The last routing line for a Production Order Line should be used to Show in Shop Floor. Only one Show in Shop Floor Routing Line is supported per Production Order Line.

The Labor Routing Line should be linked to this Show in Shop Floor Routing Line and only one Labor Routing Line is supported per Production Order Line.

In relation to the PRM integration, only the main item may have a Show in Shop Floor Routing Line and/or Labor Routing Line Setup. This doesn’t apply for the Co-Product or Unplanned Output Lines.

SFP v2.0 supports scenarios involving multiple routing lines. However, it’s important to note that the output quantities are posted only on the last routing line. In cases where it’s not the last routing line, the system will generate a capacity ledger entry, aligning with the standard behavior of Business Central.