Register Co-Product

Article08/06/20245 min read

If co-products are expected during the production of a particular output item, they can be incorporated into the Process Manufacturing extension. When co-products are included in the Bill of Materials, they can be registered in the Shop Floor Production Power App.

  1. Select the desired production order number.
  2. Select the Input button.
    You can view the description for the Co-products available.
  3. Select the Register button.
  4. Select the Input field.
  5. Enter the quantity to be registered.
  6. Select Save.

The output of a production order can be registered in the Shop Floor Production Power App. The output can be registered and the registered lines are visible in the app. You can correct a registered output line and register output if the routing line status is ‘Production’.

  1. Select the Output button.
  2. Select the Register Output button.
    The output register pop-up will be shown.
  3. Enter the required quantity.
    The system takes the value of the predefined Lot No. from the production Order Line and adds 00. Depending on the setup in Dynamics 365 Business Central, a Lot No. will be linked to the output. If the ‘Lot no. per’ field is set to User Defined, the app offers the possibility to select the button ‘Generate new Lot No.’, which will create a new Lot No.
  4. Select the Generate new lot no. button.
  5. Select the Open calendar to select a date.
    The system calculates the expiration date based on the option selected in the Output Expiration Date Calc. field and the ‘Expiration Calculation’ from the item card in Dynamics 365 Business Central. It is allowed to change the expiration date. If a Lot No. already exists in the registered output lines, the expiration date is the same date as the registered output. It is not possible to change this expiration date anymore. If the ‘Expiration Calculation’ is empty or zero, the expiration date will be equal to the system date. To know more about the options in the Output Expiration Date Calc. field, see Shop Floor Production Setup.
  6. Select a date.
  7. Select OK
  8. Enter the comment.
    This is an optional field.

Scrap quantity

You can register a scrap quantity in case products were not produced well.

  1. Select the Add scrap quantity button.
    Now the scrap quantity field has become visible.
  2. Enter a positive value.
  3. Select Save.
  4. The output quantity is now registered.
    When you entered a scrap quantity, this quantity is not counted as output and not visible in the app. The information is however sent to Dynamics 365 Business Central.

If the Aptean Labeling extension is installed in Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can print labels after registering output. The output data is sent to Dynamics 365 Business Central where is determined which label should be printed. A label for register output via an API is available in the Package ‘APTFB 26 LBL Labels’.

The quantity shows how often the print function is used, it is not the number of labels printed, this is determined in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • Select the Print label button.

The number 1 is now shown next to the button, indicating the print function is used once.

Printer selection

The selection of the label printer to print labels is based on the combination of work center and the output bin on the Label Printer Setup page. The hierarchy of the fields on the Label Printer Setup page is as follows:

First level:

  • Both warehouse employee and label code matches
  • Only label code matches (the warehouse employee is left blank in the setup)
  • Only warehouse employee matches (the label code is left blank in the setup)
  • Both warehouse employee and label code are left blank
    If any of the above conditions match, it will proceed to the second level of hierarchy.

Second level:

  • Work center, machine center, location code, and bin code
  • Work center, machine center, and location code
  • Work center and machine center
  • Work center and location code
    If no matches are found as per the setup on the Label Printer Setup page, then an error is thrown.

If no matches have been found as per the hierarchy on the setup page, then an error is thrown.

You can print the comments added when Registering Output on the Shop Floor Production application.

The character limit for the comment is 400 characters. These comments added in the Shop Floor Production Power App are distributed across the Extra Text Fields of the Labels, each with a maximum character length of 100 characters.

Correct output quantity

You can correct an output line if there was an error in a registration quantity

  1. Open the correct quantity function.

  2. Enter a positive value

  3. Enter the comment.
    This is an optional field.

  4. Select Save.
    The correction is now registered. The corrected quantity is deducted from the total registered quantity on the line. Next to the ‘pencil’ icon, the quantity that was deducted is still visible.

  5. Select Back.
    If the Aptean Quality Check for Food & Beverage extension is installed in Dynamics 365 Business Central, the Quality Checks that are linked to the production order are displayed.

  6. Select the Quality Checks button.
    The number of outstanding Quality Checks is shown.


    When negative output registration is done for catch weight items, Weight Quantity, Quantity, Weight Quantity Corrected, and Quantity Corrected fields are updated on the Shop Floor Registration Table.
    When negative output registration is done for non-catch weight items, the Quantity and Quantity Corrected fields are updated on the Shop Floor Registration Table.

The Quality Checks linked to the production order are shown here.

Executing the quality check can be done via another app that comes with the Aptean Quality Control extension.