Processing in the Shop Floor Production app

Article08/06/202415 min read

Once you have selected a production order in the Shop Floor Production Power App it will navigate to the start page of the production order.

The following actions can be taken from the start page:

  • Show Work Instructions
  • Show Input Components/Register Consumption
  • Show Posted Output/Register Output
  • Read Production Order Details
  • Change Status Production order
  • Read Production Order Comments
  • Show Quality Checks
  • Scan barcode or QR code

Progress bars in the tiles visualize the progress of the input and output registration. The progress of the input is calculated based on the number of consumption lines that are fully registered. Lines that are ‘back flushed’ or ‘forward flushed’ are not included in the bar, but mentioned separately. For the output progress, a percentage is calculated based on the finished quantity compared to the planned quantity.


The barcode or QR code is displayed on the Production Order screen if the option to display is selected in the Shop Floor Production Setup page in Business Central.


For each production order routing line the status can be tracked. These production order routing line statuses will be communicated to Dynamics 365 so the status can always be tracked. By default, the status will be “Not started”.

The duration during which the routing line is in the status ‘Start-up’, ‘Production’ or ‘Failure’ is tracked. This duration will be saved as time entries which are forwarded to Dynamics 365 Business Central. In Dynamics 365 Business Central these time entries can be used for informational purposes or posting capacity entries.

You can select any one of the statuses, including Production, Pause, Failure, and Stop. For the status ‘Start-up’, ‘Production’ and ‘Failure’ the duration will be shown in hours and minutes.

Number of operators

To record time entries used for labor costs, it is important to indicate how many operators(employees) are working on the order. As default is one employee selected.

  1. Enter the plus or minus icon to enter the number of employees working on the order.
  2. You can change the number of operators when the production order routing status is ‘Not started’, Pause, or ‘Stop’.

Finish the Production Order

Once the order is ready, the status can be changed to ‘Finished’.

  1. Select the Stop button.
  2. Select the Order is finished button.

When you select ‘Not yet’ button, the status of the order is changed to ‘Stopped’. This status can be used when the order is completed at a later time.

The order is now finished. If the Show finished production orders checkmark is selected, the finished production order is shown.

  1. Select the Re-open button.

After re-opening the production order, the status automatically changes to ‘Stop’.

Track and record production failure

You can now track and record information related to production failures within a manufacturing or production environment. You can track Failure Codes and Failure Text when setting a work center to Failure and when production resumes after a failure. For this, you must first have a released production order with the Show in Shop Floor toggle turned on. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity:

  1. Launch the Shop Floor Production Power Apps and select the Work Centre associated with the released production order.
  2. Select the Production Order you want to work on.
  3. Click Start-up to begin the production process.
  4. Click Failure when a failure occurs.
  5. Select a Failure Code from the available options on the pop-up window.
  6. Enter a detailed Failure Text to describe the issue.
  7. Click Save.
    Alternatively, click Don’t know yet if you are unaware of the reason for failure.
    You can review this information on the Shop Floor Production Status and Shop Floor Production Time Entries tables in Power Apps and the Shop Floor Production Failure Time Entries and Shop Floor Production Status pages in Business Central. The Shop Floor Control Status field displays the updated production status. You can also view the Failure Code and Failure Text on these pages. You can also view the duration of the production in that specific status.
    After recording the failure, you can resume production after taking the necessary corrective actions.
  8. Click Production to restart the production order when you are ready to continue.
    If you selected Don’t know yet in step 7, you must enter the Failure Code and Failure Text to restart production and then click Save.


With the Shop Floor Work Instruction Setup app you can add work instructions which are shown in the Shop Floor Production Power App.

  1. Select the Instructions button.
  2. Select a work instruction. The selected work instruction is shown.
  3. Select the Back Button.

Input registration

The input of a production order can be registered in the Shop Floor Production Power App. The app shows all items from the BOM that is linked to the production order.

  1. Select the Input button. You can register the input on the line depending on the Flushing Method that is selected on the Item Card in Dynamics 365 Business Central. When the Flushing Method is set to Manual you can register consumption.
  2. You can now register consumption input by tapping anywhere on the line of the consumption item. The Input register pop-up will be shown.
  3. Enter the quantity to be registered in the Quantity field.

    In the Weight Quantity field, you can enter the quantity of the Catch Weight item to be registered.

The quantity that still needs to be registered for this item is shown on top of the screen. It is however possible to register more items or less.

The moment the item is Lot Tracked, the Lot No. Must be registered. Lot numbers that are linked to the item are displayed. The following lot numbers are not shown:

  • Lot numbers that are blocked.
  • Lot numbers with an Inspection status for which the Production Consumption Availability type is blocked.
  1. Select the required Lot No.

You can see the Expiration Date and the remaining lot Quantity in the inventory when selecting a specific Lot No.

When on the Location Card in Dynamics 365 Business Central, Bin mandatory is set to ‘true’, the Bin Code must also be selected. The Bin codes for which the item and (if applicable) the lot numbers are found are shown in the list. After selecting a Lot No. the first Bin Code in the list is selected per default.

  1. Select the required Bin Code.
  2. Enter the Comment. This is an optional field.
  3. Select the Save button.

Now the input quantity is registered.
To quickly understand if enough input was already registered for each line, a colored circle is shown next to the registered quantity. A green icon indicated the exact quantity that was planned is also registered. A blue icon indicates less was registered. A yellow icon indicated more than planned was registered.

  1. Select the Back Button.

If you also use the Aptean License Plating extension, in the Input Register pop-up, if the item is on a license plate tracked location, you can enter the Register Quantity and then choose the License Plate No. and the Lot no. that contains the item.

Batch quantities on the input page

When the Aptean Process Manufacturing extension is installed, you can define the batch quantities for a specific item. You can also view the information related to the batching process, enabling the identification of the necessary quantities for production. The system checks whether the Input Quantity Per Batch field has a value greater than zero on the component lines in the Production Order line. If it has a value greater than zero, the following fields are displayed.

  • Qty. per Batch
  • Qty. per Batch (WU)
  • Planned Batches
  • Registered Batches
  • Remaining Batches The batch quantity is displayed on the Input page. If the Default Batch Consumption Quantity toggle is turned off on the Shop Floor Production Setup page in Business Central, the system will not suggest the batch quantity of the item on the Register Input page. If the toggle is turned on, the system automatically fills the related batch consumption quantity in the Quantity field.

When the Batch Consumption Quantity Warning field is set as Warning, a warning message appears to notify that the quantity entered in the Quantity field is different from the Qty. per Batch.

If the Switch to batch quantity button is selected on the Input page, the related Qty. per Batch, Planned Batches, Registered Batches, and Remaining Batches values of the item are displayed on the page. You also switch to the standard quantities by selecting the Switch to standard quantity button. If you don’t use the batching setup, the system will display the standard output quantity as it did before.


When the selected item is a Catch Weight item, the batch quantity values are also shown for its weight quantities.

Output registration

The output of a production order can be registered in the Shop Floor Production Power App. The output can be registered, and the registered lines are visible in the app. It is also possible to correct a registered output line. It is only possible to register output if the routing line status is ‘Production’.

  1. Click the Output button.

  2. Click the Register output button. The output register pop-up will be shown.

  3. Enter Quantity.

    • In the Weight Quantity field, you can enter the quantity of the catch weight item to be registered.
    • You can set up a default output quantity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and use it in the Shop Floor Production Power App. For more information, see Default Output Quantity
    • The system takes the value of the Predefined Lot No. from the production Order Line and adds 00. Depending on the setup in Dynamics 365 Business Central, a Lot No. will be linked to the output. If the field ‘Lot no. per’ is set to User Defined, the app offers the possibility to select the button ‘Generate new Lot No.’, which will create a new Lot No.
    • In case the Lot No. Per field on the Shop Floor Production Setup page is not set to User Defined, a number series line should be set up, and manual lots are not supported. The same applies to Lot No. Profile. In this case, a number series line should be set up, and manual lots are not supported. For more information, see Lot Profile Integration.
  4. Click the Generate new lot no button.

  5. Click Open calendar to select a date . The system calculates the expiration date based on the option selected in the Output Expiration Date Calc. field and the Expiration Calculation from the item card in Dynamics 365 Business Central. It is allowed to change the expiration date. If a Lot No. already exists in the registered output lines, the expiration date is the same date as the registered output. It is not possible to change this expiration date anymore. If the ‘Expiration Calculation’ is empty or zero, the expiration date will be equal to the system date. To know more about the options in the Output Expiration Date Calc. field, see Shop Floor Production Setup.

  6. Select a date.

  7. Click the Ok button.

  8. Enter Comment.

This is an optional field.

If you also use the Aptean License Plating extension, on Output screen, select Register Output to open new output line pop-up. Click the Generate new license plate no. You can also enter the license plate number manually.


For a License Plate Tracked item, you can now manually fill the License Plate No. field on the Register Output screen, when the Allow Manual Input of License Plate Number toggle on the Shop Floor Production Setup page in Business Central is turned on.
The Allow Manual Input of License Plate Number field is available on the Shop Floor Production Setup page only when the License Plating extension is installed.

The Shipping Container field is automatically populated with the first packaging code from the item’s Default Packaging page. You can also manually select any of the options from the dropdown.

If you use the Aptean SSCC extension and when the Use SSCC Number Format toggle on the Package Tracking FastTab of the Item Tracking Code Card page is turned on, the system will generate the license plate number based on the following setup:

  • If the released production order is created from the sales order or has a reservation entry for a sales order, the system checks for the Enable SSCC toggle value on the Customer SSCC Setup page and the license plate number is generated with the values provided in the fields on the SSCC FastTab. If the values are empty, it will consider the field values on the Company SSCC Setup page.

  • If the released production order is created manually and does not have any reservation entry for a sales order, the license plate number is generated with the values provided in the fields on the SSCC FastTab of the Company SSCC Setup page.

Batch quantities on the output page

When registering the output for the production order line, you can view the output Quantity per Batch as well as how many batches have been planned, registered, and remaining. The batching-related fields are,

  • Qty. per Batch
  • Planned Batches
  • Registered Batches
  • Remaining Batches

If the Default Batch Output Quantity toggle is turned on, the system automatically fills the Quantity field with the batch quantity values.


When the Batch Output Quantity Warning field is set as Warning, a warning message appears to notify that the quantity entered in the Quantity field is different from the Qty. per Batch.

Scrap quantity

You can register a scrap quantity in case products were not produced well.

  1. Select the Add scrap quantity button. Now the Scrap Quantity field has become visible.
  2. Enter a Positive value.
  3. Select the Save button.

The output quantity is now registered.

When you entered a scrap quantity, this quantity is not counted as output and not visible in the app. The information is however sent to Dynamics 365 Business Central.

If the Aptean Labeling extension is installed in Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can print labels after registering output. The output data is sent to Dynamics 365 Business Central where is determined which label should be printed. A label for register output via an API is available in the Package ‘APTFB 26 LBL Labels’. For more information about printing labels, see Labeling.

The quantity shows how often the print function is used, it is not the number of labels printed, this is determined in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • Select the Print Label button.

The number shown next to the button indicates the number of times the print function is used.

Printer selection

The selection of the label printer to print labels is based on the combination of fields on the Label Printer Setup page.

The label printer selection follows two levels of hierarchy:

First level:

  • Both warehouse employee and label code matches
  • Only label code matches (the warehouse employee is left blank in the setup)
  • Only warehouse employee matches (the label code is left blank in the setup)
  • Both warehouse employee and label code are left blank
    If any of the above conditions match, it will proceed to the second level of hierarchy.

Second level:

  • Work center, machine center, location code, and bin code
  • Work center, machine center, and location code
  • Work center and machine center
  • Work center and location code
    If no matches are found as per the setup on the Label Printer Setup page, then an error is thrown.

You can print the comments added when Registering Output on the Shop Floor Production application.
The character limit for the comment is 400 characters. These comments added in the Shop Floor Production Power App are distributed across the Extra Text Fields of the Labels, each with a maximum character length of 100 characters.


If you also install the Aptean License Plating extension, you can print the License Plate information directly on the label from the application based on the setup.

Correct output quantity

If there was an error in a registration quantity, there is the possibility to correct an output line.

  1. Select the Edit icon.
  2. Enter a positive value in the Quantity to correct field.
  3. Enter the Comment. This is an optional field.
  4. Select Save. The correction is now registered. The corrected quantity is deducted from the total registered quantity on the line. Next to the ‘pencil’ icon, the quantity that was deducted is still visible.

Quality Checks

If the Aptean Quality Control extension is installed in Dynamics 365 Business Central, the Quality Checks that are linked to the production order are displayed.

  • Select the Quality Checks button.

The number of outstanding quality checks and the quality checks linked to the production order are shown here.

Executing the quality check can be done via another app that comes with the Aptean Quality Control extension.

Production order Details

On the PO-Detail page, an overview of all production order details is visible.

  1. Select the PO details button.

    • On the General card, general order details are shown, such as the item description and production order line number.

    • If the Aptean Packaging extension is installed in Business Central, the default packaging of the item is shown on the packaging card .

      If the released production order is created from the sales order, you can view the packaging field with options. The available options are:

      • Customer-Specific – The packaging associated with the respective customer on the sales order is displayed. This is the default value.

      • Item - The packaging defined with the respective item on the sales order is displayed.

      • All Packaging – All the packaging associated with the sales order is displayed.

    • If a sales order is linked to the production order, the details of the customer are shown on the Customer information card.

  2. Select Back.


If one or more comments are linked to the production order in Business Central, they will be displayed directly on the start page.