What's new in version 3.3.131089.0

Article09/16/20242 min read


With this release of the Aptean Shop Floor Production Power Apps, you can:

  • Record Failure Codes and Failure Text when a production order is set to Fail and when production resumes after a failure. For more information, see Track and record production failure.

  • Scan the barcode or the QR code on the Production Order screen.


Modifications were made for this extension to accommodate the negative output on the Output register page for catch weight and non-catchweight items. To know more, see Correct Output quantity.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The Failure Code and Failure Text fields are added to the Shop Floor Production Status and Shop Floor Production Time Entries tables.
  • The barcode or the QR code is displayed on the Production Order screen.

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved in the release:

158994On the Shop Floor Production Power App, the system throws an error for Start-up operation with quality checks enabled for the specified work center associated with the released production order.
161395The system restricts the user from canceling the amendment for the output record after the error is thrown.
151202Multiple partial outputs with the same lot number but different expiration dates can be registered.
150970On the Output page, the quantity and weight quantity displayed on the progress bar does not match with the values on the registered lines for the license plate tracked catch weight items.
158563Security roles in the PowerApps environment allows users to perform operations avoiding the defined restrictions.