What's new in version 3.1.121665.0

Article09/16/20241 min read


The following enhancements have been made in this release:

  • Customers using only the Work Centers can now hide the machine centers in the Shop Floor Production Power App. Through the Shop Floor Production Model Driven Power App, the Hide Machine Centers field can be set to Yes for the SP Shop Floor Production Setup record on the SP Shop Floor App Settings page.

  • The Quantity, License Plate No. and Shipping Container must have values before saving the Output. The Refresh, Cancel, and Close buttons are disabled while saving the Register Output, Register a correction, and Register Input.
  • The Production Order List loading speed is optimized. It is recommended to limit the period length specified in the Date Formula Show Prod. Orders field on the Shop Floor Production Setup page in Business Central.

    As a general guideline, try to avoid loading more than 150-200 orders for each work center to ensure smooth operations. This approach will enhance the speed and efficiency of your production order list.

Resolved issues

The following issue has been resolved in this release:

152252When the Aptean Weigh Scale extension is installed, the related WSC fields are missing, and errors occur while saving the output corrections.