What's new in version 2303.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


You can perform the following activities with the features included in this release of Aptean Shop Floor Production extension:

  • You can view the failure code and failure texts associated with the released production order. The value is inherited from the PowerApps and synced across associated pages.
  • You can manually create time entries for released production order on the BC Time Entries page. To know more, see Shop Floor Production Time Entries.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX change has been made in this release:

  • The BC Time Entries subpage is added on the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page when accessed from the Released Production Order.
  • The Item No. and Description fields are added on the Shop Floor Production Status page.
  • The Shop Floor Production Order Status action is added on the Prod. Order Routing page.
  • The Failure Text and Failure Code fields are added on the Shop Floor Production Status, Shop Floor Production Time Entries, and Change Entry page.

The Failure Code and Failure Text fields can be accessed by selecting the Settings icon > Personalize.