What's new in version 2.0.100866.0

Article09/16/20242 min read

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release:

114290In SFP Power Apps, when posting the Co-Product as an output, the expiration date calculation is sourced from the main item instead of the co-product item.
107087While registering, the production output is not updating bi-directionally (Power Apps and Business Central), leading to an incorrect display of information.
115063The number of open production orders is not increased when re-opening the finished production orders. The open Production Order does not consider both the lines and header when multiple Production Order lines exists for the same production order.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The Planned Quantity, Registered Quantity, and Remaining Quantity fields are added on the Output Registration page.
  • The Refresh button is added on the Input, Input Registration, Output, and Output Registration pages to get the latest quantity status from Business Central.
  • The layout for the Register Output page has been modified to match the layout of the Register Input page.
  • For unplanned output items a page is added to create the line for the given quantity before starting output registration.
  • The description of an output item is displayed on the Input Line for unplanned output items, similar to how it is displayed for Co-Product Output Items.