What's new in version 1.8.61785.0

Release Note09/16/20242 min read


The new features in this release are listed below:

  • You can now filter data based on Bin Code from the Component Line of the Consumption page. You can transfer this data from Business Central to Power Apps. Previously, this could only be done based on Lot No.
  • On Power Apps, when you Register an Input, you can now scan the License Plate No. or Lot No. or enter them manually or choose the value from the lookup button on the respective fields.
  • You can now determine if the data from the Aptean Shop Floor Production Power App should be sent directly to Business Central or the Dataverse using the Process data from Shop Floor app field on the General FastTab on the Shop Floor Production Setup page.
  • When you register an Output or Consumption registration entry on the Shop Floor Production app, the entries are directly sent to the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries page in Business Central. For more details, see Real-Time Posting.
  • You can now see the expiration date and the remaining lot quantity in the inventory when selecting a specific lot number.

Update Summary

This new version of the Aptean Shop Floor Production extension will impact your existing installations because the solution is turned into a Managed Solution. As a first step, remove the Unmanaged Shop Floor Production Solutionfrom the environment.

The Shop Floor Production Custom Connector and Power Automate are moved into solutions. The existing Custom Connector must be deleted via Dataverse > Custom Connectors because this will be recreated by importing the new Shop Floor Production Custom Connector Solution.

The user specific connection that exists for the previous version of the shop floor production custom connector will be deleted automatically with the deletion of the old custom connector.

For more details, see Shop Floor Production Update.