What's new in version 1.12.88238.0

Release Note09/16/20242 min read


Modifications were made to accommodate the changes on the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page (in Business Central).

On the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page, on the action bar, select Actions > Change Time Entry to update the Starting Date Time, Ending Date Time, and Number of Operators fields. When these fields are updated, the following fields are recalculated:

  • Duration in Hours
  • Duration in Minutes
  • Labor Duration in Hours
  • Labor Duration in Minutes

Entries can be changed only when they are not posted.

A new Corrected checkbox is added on the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page. If the checkbox is selected, it indicates that the time entry is corrected in Business Central. You cannot synchronize entries when one or more time entries are corrected or posted.


The fields on the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page of the Shop Floor Production Setup and Monitoring App are not editable.

UI/UX changes

On the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page,

  • The Corrected checkbox is newly added to indicate the corrected time entries.
  • The Change Time Entry action is added to update the time entries.
  • The New and Edit List actions have been removed. Consequently, this page is not editable anymore.

Resolved issues

The following issue has been resolved in this release:

99362The Shop Floor Status field on the Prod. Order Routing page and the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page are editable.