Generating Goods Received and Shipped Reports without Invoices

Article01/16/20242 min read

Goods Received Not Invoiced

You can generate the Goods Received Not Invoiced report, a financial and inventory management document to track and manage the goods received from suppliers without invoicing. This report provides a summary of accurate financial reporting and inventory management.

To generate the Goods Received Not Invoiced report:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Goods Received Not Invoiced, and then choose the related link.

    Alternatively, select Report > Goods Received Not Invoiced action on the Vendor Card or the Vendors list page.

    The Goods Received Not Invoiced report page opens.

  2. In the Report ID field, select the report ID (60134) from the lookup table.

  3. Fill in the fields as required.

  4. Select Print.

Goods Shipped Not Invoiced

You can generate the Goods Shipped Not Invoiced report, a financial and inventory management document to track and manage the goods sent to customers without invoicing. This report provides a summary of customer information, product details, shipment date, invoice date, and total value.

To generate the Goods Shipped Not Invoiced report:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Goods Shipped Not Invoiced, and then choose the related link.

    Alternatively, select Report > Goods Shipped Not Invoiced action on the Customer Card or the Customers list page.

    The Goods Shipped Not Invoiced report page opens.

  2. In the Report ID field, select the report ID (60140) from the lookup table.

  3. Fill in the fields as required.

  4. Select Print.