What's new in version 2401.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20242 min read


With this release of the Aptean Reporting extension, you can:

  • Print the reports such as Sales - Order Conf. FDW (60100), Sales – Invoice FDW (60101), Proforma Invoice FDW (60105), and Sales Credit Memo FDW (60108) with the following additional information from the relevant documents:
    • Payment Method Code
    • Shipping Agent Code
    • Shipping Time (The shipping time is included in the Sales Credit Memo FDW (60108) report only when the sales credit memo is created through the Create Corrective Credit Memo function from the Posted Sales Invoice page.)
    • Delivery Appointment Time
    • Delivery Starting Date
    • Delivery Ending Date
  • Include the value in the Applies to Doc. No. field on the Posted Sales Credit Memo page when printing the Sales Credit Memo FDW (60108) report.
  • Print the Purchase Order (60122) report with the following additional information from the purchase order:
    • Requested Receipt Date
    • Promised Receipt Date
    • Requested Receipt Date (from the purchase order line)
    • Vendor Invoice No.
  • Print the following reports using the date format determined by the region selected on the My Settings page. This formatting applies to all instances where dates are printed within the reports.
    • Sales - Order Conf. FDW (60100)
    • Sales - Invoice FDW (60101)
    • Sales - Shipment FDW (60102)
    • CMR - Sales Shipment Laser (60103)
    • Sales - Quote FDW (60104)
    • Proforma Invoice FDW (60105)
    • Sales - Return Order FDW (60106)
    • Sales - Blanket Order FDW (60107)
    • Sales - Credit Memo FDW (60108)
    • Whse. Ship Bill of Lading (60109)
    • Posted Warehouse Shipment Bill of Lading (60110)
    • Trade Accrual Summary (60111)
    • Trade Statement Summary (60112)
    • Trade Statement Detailed (60113)
    • Certificate of Analysis (60114)
    • CMR - Transfer Shipment (60115)
    • Purchase – Return Order (60116)
    • Purchase Credit Memo (60117)
    • Purchase Invoice (60118)
    • Purchase Quote (60119)
    • Transfer Shipment (60120)
    • Purchase Order (60122)
    • Production Order Report (60130)
    • Batch Worksheet (60131)
    • Print Transport Order (60132)
    • Print Transport Order R3 (60133)
    • Goods Received Not Invoiced (60134)
    • Blanket Purchase Order (60135)
    • Goods Shipped Not Invoiced (60140)

For more information, see Data in reports.