What's new in version 1.11.106419.0

Release Note09/16/20242 min read


With the features added in this release of the Aptean Reporting extension, you can:

  • Print the sales, production, and transport report in Word layout only for specific documents. For more information, see Print reports in word layouts.
  • Print the Sales Order Confirmation, Sales Invoice, Sales Shipment, Sales Return Order, Sales Credit Memo, and Sales Pro Forma Invoice in Word layout for the UK localization. The following enhancements are also added to the UK localization reports:
    • The Sort Code field is added.
    • The Email ID character limit is extended.
    • The Bank Account No. field is replaced with the Bank Branch No. field on the report.
    • A new line is added in which the bank account number caption and the bank account number are displayed.
  • Generate the trade statement summary and detailed report. For more information, see Trade statement summary and detailed reports.
  • View the weight quantity values for the Catch Weight items on the Sales CRM, Sales Quote, and Sales Blanket Order reports only in the RDLC layout.
  • View the weight quantity values for the Catch Weight items on the Sales Order Confirmation, Sales Invoice, Sales Shipment, Sales Pro Forma Invoice, Sales Return Order, Sales Credit Memo, Warehouse Shipment Bill of Lading, and Posted Warehouse Shipment Bill of Lading reports in both RDLC and Word layouts.
  • View the weight quantity and expected weight quantity for the Catch Weight items on the Production Order reports in both RDLC and Word layouts.