Create Purchase Order from Purchase Quote

Article06/05/20242 min read

A purchase quote can be used as a preliminary draft for a purchase order. Once the vendor has provided a quote and you have approved the quote, the quote can then be converted to a purchase order.

  1. Select the Search icon, enter Purchase Quotes, and then choose the related link.

    The Purchase Quotes list page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select New.

    The Purchase Quote page opens.

  3. On the General Fast Tab of the Purchase Quotes page, select the No., Vendor Name/Vendor No., and confirm the auto-populated field values according to the defined vendor.

  4. On the Lines Fast Tab, enter Type, No., Description, Location Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure Code, Direct Unit Cost Excl. Tax.

  5. On the Invoice Details Fast Tab, enter the associated tax information, Payment Terms Code, Payment Method Code, and Shipment Method Code, and confirm the Payment Discount % and Pmt. Discount Date.

  6. On the action bar, select Home > Release > Release.

    The Purchase Quote is now released.
    The Status field value is changed from Open to Released.

    Once approved, the quote can be made into a purchase order from the purchase quote card.

  7. On the action bar, select Home > Make Order.

    The system displays a dialog box to confirm the request.

  8. On the dialog box, select Yes.

    The system displays a dialog box.

  9. Select Yes.

    The system redirects you to the associated purchase order.