Quick production entries

Article08/02/20247 min read

You can provide the necessary information on the Quick Production Entry page within a unified interface to initiate and complete a production order.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Quick Production Entries, and then choose the related link.
    The Quick Production Entries list page opens.
  2. Select the required Entry No. to open the Quick Production Entry page.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
Posting DateSelect the posting date for transactions associated with the production order. By default, the field displays the work date.
From LocationSelect the location code from where the inventory is consumed. Initially, the field will display the default location code sourced from the Quick Production Setup page.
From BinSelect the bin code from where the inventory is consumed. Initially, the field will display the default bin code sourced from the Quick Production Setup page.
Additional Consumption RuleProvides you with the option to automatically adjust the consumption quantity or update it manually based on the output quantity. However, this is relevant when handling additional components that need to be consumed. The available options are Relative and Manual.
New Lot Attribute RuleProvides you with the option to transfer the new lot attribute rule from the source item, especially when the To Item No. has new lot attributes, or to update the new item template manually. The available options are Transfer and Template.
Production Order No.Indicates the released production order number that will be used from the Quick Production.
To BinIndicates the bin code to which the output will be posted. This field value is populated from the From Bin field, and you can also edit it manually.
Production ScenarioIndicates the production scenario for the To Item No. used during quick production. Any changes to this field will automatically update the associated Production BOM No., Routing No., and To Unit of Measure Code fields.
Production BOM No.Indicates the production BOM number of the additional components that will be consumed as part of the production order in addition to the main item.
Routing No.Indicates the routing number that serves as a reference for identifying the capacity resources and costs associated with the production order.
  1. On the From FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
Item No.Select the code of the item to be consumed.
Variant CodeSelect the code to identify the item variant.
Lot No.Select the lot number assigned to the item being handled for the production order.
Expiration DateSelect the expiration date of the item.
License Plate No.Select the license plate number of the item being handled for the production order.
Package No.Select the package number of the item being handled for the production order.
DescriptionIndicates the description of the item.
Unit of Measure CodeIndicates the unit of measure of the item. i.e., how each item unit is measured, such as in pieces or hours.
Qty. per Unit of Measure (Consume)Specify the quantity of the item present per unit of measure.
Qty. to ConsumeSpecify the quantity of the item that will be posted as consumed.
Qty. to Consume (Base)Indicates the quantity that you want to consume in the base unit of measure.
Completed Consumption (Base)Indicates the sum quantity of the item on the Item Ledger Entries page for the related Production Order No., Item No., and Variant Code for the Entry Type as Consumed. By clicking the Completed Consumption (Base) flow field, you can view the associated item ledger entries.
  1. On the To FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
Item No.Select the code of the item to be consumed.
Variant CodeSelect the code to identify the item variant.
Lot No.Select the lot number assigned to the item being handled for the production order.
Expiration DateSelect the expiration date of the item.
License Plate No.Select the license plate number of the item being handled for the production order.
Package No.Select the package number of the item being handled for the production order.
DescriptionIndicates the description of the item.
Unit of Measure CodeIndicates the unit of measure of the item. i.e., how each item unit is measured, such as in pieces or hours.
Qty. per Unit of Measure (Output)Specify the quantity of the item present per unit of measure.
Qty. to OutputSpecify the quantity of the item that will be posted as output.
Qty. to Output (Base)Indicates the output quantity in the base unit of measure.
Completed Output (Base)Indicates the sum quantity of the item on the Item Ledger Entries page for the related Production Order No., Item No., and Variant Code for the Entry Type as Output. By clicking the Completed Quantity (Base) flow field, you can view the associated item ledger entries.
Run Time (UOM)Specify the run time of the operations processed by the production order.
Completed Time (UOM)Specify the sum of the run time from the Capacity Ledger Entries associated with the production order.

Actions on the quick production entry

You can efficiently navigate and manage your production process by using the following actions on the Quick Production Entry page for streamlined operations.

Create Production OrderCreate a production order for comprehensive planning and real-time monitoring of the entire production flow.
PostPost the required quantities on the Quick Production Entry page.
Post and Print Label(s)Post and print the labels. The values and quantities are printed according to the label printer setup and then posted to the related accounts.
Reset ItemsReset the field values. All the fields on the From and To FastTabs are cleared. After performing the action, the page refreshes and displays the Completed Consumption (Base) and Completed Output (Base) values as zero, stating that there are no active production orders.
Clear All FieldsClear all the fields except the Posting Date on the Quick Production Entry page.
Additional ConsumptionUpdate the additional consumption by specifying the required item numbers and quantities.
Finish OrderUpdate the Released Production Order created from the Quick Production Entry status to finish. In this case, the production order does not require any additional postings. This action can be added through personalization. To know more about the production order statuses, see About production order status.

Quick production additional consumption list

The following procedure describes how to manage additional components and quantities to be consumed alongside the main item in the Additional Consumption FactBox on the Quick Production Entry page. The available fields in the FactBox are listed below:

Item No.The code of the item handled.
QuantityIf the Additional Consumption Rule is set to Relative, the Quantity field displays the multiplied value of the Qty. Per by the Qty. to Output. If the rule is set to Manual, it displays the Qty. to Consume value.
DescriptionThe description of the item handled.
  1. In the FactBox pane, select Additional Consumption > Edit.
  2. On the Quick Production Additional Consumption list page, you can edit and update the required components.

If the Additional Consumption Rule is set to Relative, the Qty. Per field is displayed. However, if the rule is set to Manual, the Qty. to Consume is displayed.


The BOM versions are not supported in this feature. To know more about the BOM versions, see Create a BOM and BOM version.

When you want to insert additional component lines into a production order, the details and quantity of these lines are derived from the Quick Production Additional Consumption page. If you modify the quick production consumption data later, it updates the component lines inserted in your production order.

Source lot attributes

On the Quick Production Entry page, you can view the Source Lot Attributes FactBox, which provides the details about the lot attribute name and value of the From item.

Attribute NameSpecifies the attribute name for an item, such as color, size, or other characteristics.
Attribute ValueSpecifies the value that describes the attribute of the item.

The FactBox values are inherited from the Lot No. Information page, which contains the lot attribute records of the chosen Lot No.

New lot attributes

On the Quick Production Entry page, you can view the New Lot Attributes FactBox, which provides the details about the lot attribute name and value of the To item.

The FactBox is updated based on the option selected in the New Lot Attribute Rule field, as described below:

  • If the rule is set to Transfer, the attributes specified on the From items are displayed.

  • If the rule is set to Template, the attributes specified for the To item on the Lot Attributes Template on the Item Card are displayed.