Quality Control Setup and Monitoring - Plans

Article05/10/20236 min read

All measurements that must be carried out at a specific moment in time by a user are combined into a quality plan. For example, when a receipt is registered, the measurements ‘is the truck clean,’ the temperature, and weight must be checked. Those three measurements are combined into one quality plan. The limits per measurement can also be noted in the quality plan.

Quality Plans

In the header of the Quality Plan, the ‘general’ information for the Quality plan is set up. Every Quality Plan needs to have a unique Code, Description, Check Point, Version, Valid from Date, and a status.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Quality Plans and then choose the related link.
  2. On the action bar, click New.
  3. Enter Code.
  4. Enter Description.
  5. Click the Check Point field.
  6. Select the required option from the list. The checkpoint, in combination with a warehouse and/or work center, determines which team should execute the quality check. See chapter ‘Team assignments’ for more information.
  7. Enter Version. If there is a Quality Plan with the same ‘Code,’ the Quality Plan with the highest ‘Version’ is used.
  8. Click the Valid From field. The ‘Valid From’ date indicates when the Quality Plan can be used. If the ‘Valid From’ date is before the work date, the quality plan cannot be selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central when creating a quality trigger.
  9. Select the date from which the quality plan may be used.
  10. Click the Status field.
  11. Select the required option from the list: Open, Certified, Closed.
    The status indicates that the Quality Plan can be used. Only if the status is ‘Certified’ the Quality Plan can be selected in Dynamics 365 Business Central when creating a quality trigger.
  12. On the action bar, click Save. Alternatively, press CTRL+S to save the entry.

Now the outline of the quality plan is set up. Next, the quality plan lines can be added. In the quality plan lines will be defined which measurements should be performed.

  1. On the action bar, click Add New Quality Plan Line.
  2. Enter Line Number. The line number indicates the sequence of the measurements in the quality plan.
  3. Click the Measurement field.
  4. Select the required option from the list.
  5. Enter Lower Limit value.

When the value entered for this measurement during the check is lower than the lower limit value, then the measurement is failed.

Depending on the inequality symbol in the measurement line with measurement type ‘Decimal,’ it is possible to add some targets. For example, when the inequality symbol is < (less than), it is only possible to enter the Upper Limit Value. Also, with the measurement type ‘Option,’ it is possible to add some targets. The sequence that is entered for the option value decides if the selected option is within the targets. Also, with the measurement type ‘Option,’ it is possible to add some targets. The sequence that is entered for the option value decides if the selected option is within the targets.

If an upper- or lower ‘warning’ limit value is added in the app, you will receive a warning if the measurement is between the warning limit value and the limit value.

  1. Enter Upper Limit value. When the value entered for this measurement during the check is higher than the upper limit value, then the measurement is failed.
  2. Click Mandatory. ‘Mandatory’ indicates whether it is mandatory to enter the result of the measurement.
  3. Click Must Pass. ‘Must pass’ indicates whether it is necessary for the measurement to fall within the targets.

When the value that a user measures during a check does not fall within limits, an action plan might need to be executed. Per measurement (inside an action plan), an action plan template can be linked. For example, when the measurement is ‘check the temperature of the dough,’ a linked action plan might be ‘adjust the oven settings.’

  1. On the action bar, click Action Plan Template.
  2. Select the required option from the list.
  3. On the action bar, click Save & Close. Alternatively, press ALT+S to save and close the entry.
  4. Add as many quality plan lines to the quality plan as desired.

A quality plan is now set up.

For example,

If you set an option field and set the values as Yes and No, considering the target value on the quality plan is Yes, the system will give an error if you enter No.

However, the upper and lower limit values must first be set for this to function as expected.

Consider the option Yes is set with the value 10 and the option No is set with the value 20,

  • If the optimal situation in your Quality Plan must be Yes, then you must fill the Upper Limit with the value 10. So, the value of No, which is 20 and is greater than 10, will be false.
  • If the optimal situation in your Quality Plan must be No, then you must fill the Lower Limit with the value 20. So, the value of Yes, which is 10 and is less than 20, will be false.

Action Plan Templates

It is possible to link an action plan template to a measurement. If a measurement within a quality check has the status ‘Failed,’ an action plan can be initiated by the system. The action plan is based on the action plan template. For example, when the measurement is ‘check the temperature of the dough,’ a linked action plan template might be ‘adjust the oven settings.’ Within this action plan, there might be several steps, such as ‘reset the oven,’ ‘turn on Button A,’ and ‘inform your manager.’

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Action Plan Templates and then choose the related link.
  2. On the action bar, click New.
  3. Enter Name.
  4. On the action bar, click Save. Alternatively, press CTRL+S to save the entry.
  5. On the action bar, click Add New Action Plan Template Line.
  6. Enter Name. This is the question or task the employee will view in the Quality Check app.
  7. Enter Line Number. It is possible to create a ‘Question’ or a ‘Task’ step in an action plan template. A question step can be answered with ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ Depending on the answer to the question, it can be indicated what the next step in the action plan should be.
  8. Click the Action Type field.
  9. Select the required option from the list: Question, Task. This is the quality team that is responsible for executing the step. Users can in the app filter on action plans that contain steps linked to their team.
  10. Click the Quality Team field.
  11. Click the Team QC field.
  12. Enter Due Date Calculation. The due date calculation specifies the number of days in which the task or question must be executed. If the due date calculation field is empty, the work date will be the due date.
  13. Enter Instruction Notes.
  14. On the action bar, click Save. Alternatively, press CTRL+S to save the entry.

Now an action plan template is created.