Most Common Errors

Article05/08/20232 min read

Some of the most common errors encountered while working with the Quality Control extension is listed below along with the solutions.

Locations and Work Centers are not replicated from Business Central to Quality Control appRun Job queue manually (standard setting = 1 x per day) or use the Sync from the Integration Table Mapping
Business Central account in Dataverse Admin setup has the correct permissions (see Deployment Instructions)
Go to Related Integration Table Mapping and select a line that is not replicated.
Go to Synchronization > Integration Synch. Job Log.
The user doesn’t see the Quality Plans in Business Central in the Quality Trigger SetupCheck if:
Status = Certified
Job queue Code unit 5339 - CDSQUALITYPLANFDW is running. This Job Queue has a standard interval of 60 minutes. You can change this interval when it is too long.
The Quality Check is not created within a maximum of 5 minutesCheck in Business Cental the Quality Alerts and look to the Quality Check Status, if this is:
Not Created: Job queue 70219393 is not running.
Error: look at the Error Text in the Quality Alert page (last field). Resolve the error and reset the Error Status with Reset Error function. You don’t have to wait for the next run of the Job Queue, but you always can create the Quality Check manually with the function Create Quality Check.
Created: The Quality Check is created, see number in field Quality Check No.
Quality Check is not visible in appCheck if the correct Team is selected in the App.
Check if there are synchronization errors in Quality Alert and Quality Check Line table mapping.
Quality Check results are not updated in BCCheck if Job queue 70219393 is running
Inspection Status is not updatedCheck if Default Inspection Status is setup for
• Quality Check Passed
• Quality Check Failed
The Quality Control app doesn’t show the picture after adding a picture to a Quality ControlCheck if the Azure blob storage is working.
The attachments (pictures) are not shown in Business Central linked to the Quality Check lineCheck if job queue code unit 5339-CDSQUALITYCHECKLINEA is running.