Quality control triggers

Article12/13/20233 min read

The Quality Control Checks can be automatically created with the help of Quality Control Triggers. You can manage the events and criteria of the trigger for creating Quality Control Checks from the Quality Control Plans. Follow the below steps to set up Quality Control Triggers:

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Quality Control Triggers, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Trigger Type field, choose the required option.
  3. On the Trigger Action field, select the AssistEdit button to open the Quality Control Trigger Actions page.

Based on the option selected in the Trigger Type field, the following trigger actions are available:

Trigger Type
Trigger Action
Purchase Receipt, Sales Return Receipt, Transfer ReceiptCreate/Post
Sales Order, Purchase Return OrderRelease
Sales Return Order, Purchase Order, Transfer OrderRelease/Post
Sales Shipment, Purchase Return Shipment, Transfer ShipmentCreate/Release
Production OrderPost

The Quality Control Trigger points generated by the respective Trigger Types are mentioned in the below table:

Trigger Type
Trigger Points
  • Sales Return Receipt
  • Sales Order
  • Sales Return Order
  • Sales Shipment
  • Creating a Sales Return Receipt or Sales Shipment.
  • Posting a Sales Return Receipt or Sales Return Order.
  • Releasing a Sales Order, Sales Return Order, or Sales Shipment.
  • Purchase Receipt
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Return Order
  • Purchase Return Shipment
  • Creating a Purchase receipt or Purchase Return Shipment.
  • Posting a Purchase Receipt or Purchase Order.
  • Releasing a Purchase Order, Purchase Return Order, or Purchase Return Shipment.
  • Transfer Order
  • Transfer Shipment
  • Transfer Receipt
  • Production Order
  • Creating a Transfer Shipment or Transfer Receipt.
  • Releasing a Transfer Order or Transfer Receipt.
  • Posting a Transfer Order, Transfer Receipt, or Production Order.
  1. In the Location Code field, choose a Location.
  2. In the Quality Check Type field, choose General or Item.
  3. In the Item Type field, choose an item type.
    When you choose General in the previous field, you cannot select the Item Type field. When you choose Item in the previous field, you can select the Item Type as Item, Item Attribute, or All Items.
  4. In the No. field, choose the AssistEdit button, and then choose an Item No. from the Items table.
    The Item name will automatically appear in the Name field.
  5. In the Source Type field, choose Customer, Vendor, Customer Attribute, Vendor Attribute, or Work Center.
    When you choose Production Order as Trigger Type, you can select the Source Type as Work Center. You cannot select any other item. In case you choose any other Trigger Type, you cannot select Work Center as the Source Type.
    When you choose the Trigger Type as Sales Return Receipt, Sales Order, Sales Return Order, or Sales Shipment, you can choose the Source Type field as Customer or Customer Attribute. Also, when you choose the Trigger Type as Purchase Receipt, Purchase Order, Purchase Return Order, or Purchase Return Shipment, you can choose the Source Type field as Vendor or Vendor Attribute.
  6. In the Source No. field, choose the AssistEdit button, and then choose a Source Type from the specific Source Type table.
  7. In the Plan Code field, choose a Quality Control Plan.
  8. Fill in the required fields to save the Quality Control Trigger.
    The Inspection Status field is editable when you choose the Trigger Type field as Inspection Status.