Quality control checks

Article03/12/20243 min read

When you complete setting up the Quality Control Triggers table, you can create Quality Control Checks. As a user, you will be only able to view the Quality Control Checks that are assigned to your team. Follow the below steps to create Quality Control Checks:

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Quality Control Checks, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Quality Control Checks page, choose a Quality Control Check from the list.
  3. On the Quality Control Checks page, on the Lines FastTab, fill in the required Answer fields.

In the Target field, when a question is marked as blind, the target information will not be visible. It will only be available after the Quality Control Check is posted. You can view the filled details for Vendors, Customers, Items, and Lots in the FactBox on the Quality Control Check page.


You must be either added as a Quality Control Manager on the Quality Control User Setup page or a Quality Control Team Member on the Quality Control Team Members page to make modifications on the Quality Control Check page. If you are added as a Quality Control Team Member for Quality Control Teams, you can only modify the Quality Control Checks that are assigned to those teams.

To select an answer for photo

When the Quality Control Question Type is Photo, you can upload the photo on the Answer field. Follow the below steps to upload the photo:

  1. On the Quality Control Check page, on the Lines FastTab, choose the Answer field for the Quality Control Question with the Description field Photo.
  2. On the Edit – Quality Control Photo page, on the action bar, either choose Import Photo or Take Photo to upload the Photo answer.
    Select the AssistEdit button on the Photo or choose Delete on the action bar to delete the uploaded photo.

When a new Quality Control Check is created, the Sample Size field automatically displays the value 1. You can also edit the value.

Post quality control check

Once you answer all the questions, the Quality Control Check must be posted.

  • To post the Quality Control Check, on the Quality Control Check page, choose Home on the action bar and then choose Post.
    On the Posted Quality Control Checks page, you can view the created Quality Control Check.

If an inspection status is set, the relevant lots for the posted Quality Control Checks get updated.

Copy quality control check

You can replicate a posted Quality Control Check as a new Quality Control Check by using the Copy Document action. Follow the below steps to replicate a posted Quality Control Check:

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Posted Quality Control Checks, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Posted Quality Control Checks list, choose the Quality Control Check number in the No. field.
  3. On the Posted Quality Control Check page, choose Prepare on the action bar, and then choose Copy Document.

Once the Quality Control Check is created, you can find the date and time of its creation in the Created Date and Created Time fields on the General FastTab. These fields also display the date and time for the Posted Quality Control Checks.