What's new in version 2401.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20243 min read


With the features added in this release of Aptean Quality Control for BC extension, you can:


The following enhancements have been made in this release:

  • The Quality Control Checks list and Quality Control Check card pages are available for all users, but they can be modified only if you are added as a Quality Control Manager or a Quality Control Team Member.
  • The blank lines would not add automatically between the Samples and Quality Control Questions on the Lines FastTab of the Quality Control Check card page.
  • The Sample Size field will automatically display the value of one for each sample on the Lines FastTab of the Quality Control Check card page.
  • If a Default Answer is set up for a Quality Control Question on the Quality Control Plan page, you can post the Quality Control Check when the Status is New.
  • The sequence number is considered for the values in the Answer field for the option type quality control questions, on the Lines FastTab of the Quality Control Check card page. The answer results fail when the sequence doesn’t match or fall between the pass-warning sequences set for the target limits.
  • The consecutive value automatically displays when you select the Sequence field on a new line, on the Lines FastTab of the Quality Control Plan page. The same enhancement is available on the Quality Control Option page.
  • When the Target Blind checkbox is selected for a Quality Control Question on the Quality Control Plan page, the Targets are not displayed on the Quality Control Check FactBox.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The Attachments Factbox is added to the following list and card pages:

    • Posted Quality Control Check
    • Posted Quality Control Action

      • The Related Source Documents Factbox is added to the Quality Control Action list and card pages.

      • The Quality Control and Posted Quality Control FactBoxes are added to the Item Tracing card page.

      • The Location Code and Work Center Code fields are added on the Create Quality Control Check page.

      • The Work Center field is added on the Quality Control Check list page.

      • The Created Date and Created Time fields are added on the Quality Control Check card page.

      • The Quality Control FactBox is added on the following pages:

        • Posted Purchase Receipt
        • Posted Sales Shipment
        • Posted Return Receipt
        • Posted Return Shipment