Production Order Scheduling Functions II

Article06/22/202310 min read

Add downtime

Within food production, cleaning or maintaining production lines is of vital importance. Especially in environments where switching between produced items (different recipes or colored ingredients) is frequent, these cleaning/maintenance time windows can use up a considerable amount of time. To efficiently plan this process, it is possible to set up default time windows per work center and use these within the production scheduling process. These default downtime windows use (dummy) item numbers.

Production downtime items setup

Before being able to plan production downtime, the downtime items must be set up for each work/machine center. It is possible to link multiple production downtime items to one work/machine center, and it is possible to link the same item to multiple work/machine centers. It is, however, not possible to link the same item number to the same work/machine center multiple times with different routings.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Production Downtime Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. In the Type field, select Machine Center or Work Center.
  4. In the No. field, select a desired number from the list.
  5. The Work/Machine Center UOM field is automatically populated with the Unit of Measure Code based on the selection of No. field.
    When selecting the production downtime item, it should be considered that the base unit of measure of the downtime item should be the same as the unit of measure of the selected work/machine center.
  6. In the Item No. field, select a desired number from the list.
    The Unit of Measure Code should be the same for the Work/Machine Center and the Item.
  7. The Item Description field is automatically populated based on the selection of the Item No.
  8. In the Routing No. field, select a desired number from the list.
    The Production Downtime Items are now set up and can be used on the Production Order Scheduling page to add downtime to a production order.

Schedule downtime for cleaning/maintenance

The previously set default cleaning/maintenance items can be used within the production scheduling routine.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Production Order Scheduling, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a production order where downtime needs to be planned before or after.
  3. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Scheduling > Add Downtime.
  4. Select Production Downtime Item.
    This specifies what type of downtime is added, such as ‘cleaning’ or ‘maintenance’.
  5. Select OK.
  6. in the Order Type field, select an option from the list: Planned, Firm Planned, or Released. This specifies the order type of the production order that is created for downtime.
  7. In the Total Downtime field, enter the value.
    This specifies how much downtime is added, expressed in the unit of measure of the selected work/machine center.
    The downtime can be added before or after the routing line that is selected in the next steps.
  8. In the Add Downtime field, select Before or After.
  9. Select the routing line where the production downtime should be placed before/after.
  10. Select OK.
    A production order has now been created according to the entered information. The system executes the ‘Refresh’ function after the creation of the production order to create the production line. This created production order represents the scheduled time for maintenance/cleaning of the work center/machine center. Therefore, a routing line is created for this production order that represents that needed time as an allocated time on the work center/ machine center.
    When the Add Downtime function has been executed, all the routing lines scheduled after the newly created routing line are planned sequentially.
    The Downtime field on the Production Order Scheduling page shows if the production order concerns downtime for maintenance/cleaning.

Assign overtime

Scheduling production orders often results in a situation where specific orders cannot be finalized within one day or shift. Depending on the size of the production run, the production planner may decide to either split the production order into two orders or plan overtime.

When planning overtime, additional capacity in the form of a so-called calendar entry is created. A function exists to easily create these calendar entries, and it is possible to reschedule the production orders, considering the overtime. This makes it possible to finish a production order on that date instead of finishing it on the next date.

  1. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Scheduling > Add Overtime.
  2. In the Starting Date field, enter the value.
    This specifies the starting date of the added overtime.
  3. In the Starting Time field, enter the value.
    This specifies the starting time of the added overtime. This starting time must fall outside the regular calendar working hours for this day.
  4. In the Total Overtime field, enter the value.
    This specifies the total added overtime, expressed in the unit of measure of the work center. The complete overtime must fall outside the regular calendar working hours.
    On validation of the starting date/time and the ending date/time, the system checks if the time window that is registered starting date/time to (calculated) ending date-time does not overlap with an already existing overtime calendar entry for the specific work center or if it is in regular calendar working hours.
  5. Select OK.
    This creates a calendar entry based on the information registered on Overtime Lines FastTab. The overtime is registered and automatically incorporated into the production schedule.
    The Overtime field on the Production Order Scheduling page indicates that the production order contains overtime.
    It is possible to see all the Calendar Entries of the selected work center/machine center and the production order on the Production Order Scheduling page. This also includes the calendar entries that are added as overtime.
  6. On the action bar, select Related > Calendar Entries.
    It shows the calendar entries that are created as overtime.
  7. Select OK.

Move production orders to another work/machine center

When scheduling production orders for a given time window, it is likely that, at any given time, there is too much capacity planned on one work- or machine center. One of the options to better spread the required capacity is to move production orders to another work - or machine center. As the production planner is working from the Production Order Scheduling page, it is easy to switch between work- or machine centers directly from this page.

The moving of production orders to another work/machine center is done by using the production scenarios. For more information, see Production Scenarios.

  1. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Scheduling > Change Production Scenario.
  2. In the New Production Scenario Code field, select a value.
  3. Select OK.
    After selecting OK, a production order has been moved from one work center or machine center to another work center or machine center to balance the load of these work centers and machine centers.
    It can be the case that when changing the production scenario, it influences the bin codes as well.
  4. Select Yes.

Insight into the delta between demand production order component lines versus stocked inventory in the production area

When a production plan is executed, it is vital that sufficient production materials are available to continue production efficiently. Therefore, it has been made easier for production and warehouse managers to check if the available stock in the bins used to post consumption is sufficient for the upcoming timeframe. For this reason, insights are given into shortages that may exist for production components in the short term.

Insight is given in inventory shortage per work center/machine center by comparing the needed inventory (demand) until a given date/time based on Prod. Order Component lines and the available inventory on the production bins.

  1. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Scheduling > Availability Production Components.
    It is possible to apply an end date/time as a filter on the Routing Lines of the selected work/machine center.
  2. Select OK.
    This opens the Availability Production Components page. It gives insight into the total needed inventory (demand) per item number/variant code per bin code for a selected work/machine center until a selected date/time. The availability is defined as physically present inventory in warehouse entries minus the remaining quantities on component lines.
    If the filtered Routing Lines don’t have a filled Routing Link code, then all the Prod. Order Component lines of the associated production order are used for totaling the Remaining Qty. (Base).
    If the filtered Routing Lines have a filled Routing Link code, then only the Prod. Order Component lines of the associated production order with the same Routing Link code filled are used to total the Remaining Qty. (Base).

Split Production Orders

A production order can be split into two separate production orders, based on quantity or time. This might be done (for example) when a part of the initial quantity must be planned on another work center/machine center in case there is an overload on that work center and the production order has a deadline.

  1. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Scheduling > Split Production Order.
  2. Select the routing line that needs to be split off.
  3. In the Split Off Quantity field, enter the quantity.
    After entering the Split Off Quantity, the Split Off Time is automatically calculated. The Split Off Time can also be entered instead of the Split Off Quantity.
  4. Select OK.
    This splits the selected production order into two separate production orders. A production order is created for the remaining (split off) quantity/time. A second, newly created production order has the same characteristics as the production order from which it is derived. Also, the Production Component lines and the Routing lines are copied from the production order to the newly created production order, where the expected quantities are in the Prod. Component lines and the allocated time in the Routing lines are calculated based on the quantity of the newly created production order.

Schedule production orders based on manually assigned sorting number

It is possible to schedule production orders from the Production Order Scheduling page in a simple way by assigning a sorting number to these production orders.

Before starting to schedule the orders based on a sorting number, the filter must be set on a work/machine center.

  1. On the General FastTab, in the No. Filter field, click the AssistEdit button to select a desired number.
  2. Select OK.
  3. On the action bar, select Edit List.
    The numbers can be assigned to indicate the order of execution of the production plan. Production orders that keep the initially assigned sorting number of 0 will not be rescheduled.
  4. In the Sorting No. field, enter the value.
    When all the sorting numbers have been filled in correctly, the Schedule on Sorting No. function must be executed.
  5. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Scheduling > Schedule on Sorting No.
    The Starting Date After Scheduling field specifies the starting date of the first routing line after scheduling on sorting number. This date must fall within the regular calendar working hours of the machine/work center.
    The Starting Time After Scheduling field specifies the starting time of the first routing line after scheduling on sorting number. This time must fall within the regular calendar working hours of the machine/work center.
    The Reset Sorting No. toggle specifies if after execution of the function Schedule on Sorting No. the assigned sorting numbers should be kept or reset to 0.
  6. Select OK.
    This reschedules the production orders based on the manually assigned sorting number.