
Article12/05/20236 min read

On the Profile card page, you can specify the following elements that you want to associate with a particular profile, making them applicable as inclusions.

Similarly, you can also exclude those elements, ensuring they remain non-applicable as exclusions to the specific profile. This allows you to select relevant data when creating sales orders for the customers linked to that profile, based on the inclusions and exclusions set up for the relevant profile.

To set up inclusions and exclusions

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Profiles, then choose the related link. The Profiles list page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the Profile card page. The Profile card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
No.Specifies the code of the profile that is assigned based on the number series selected on the Profile Setup page.
Start DateSelect the date when you want this profile to become active.
End DateSelect the date when you want this profile to become inactive.
DescriptionEnter the description for the profile.
Responsible Person CodeSelect the code of the person associated with this profile that is already set up on the Salespeople/Purchasers page.
Responsible Person NameSpecifies the name of the responsible person, which is inherited from the selected responsible person code.
  1. On the action bar, select Inclusions and choose the required action from the following:
Item InclusionsOpen the Item Inclusions page. In the No. field, select the item(s) that you want as inclusion(s) for this profile. Select the Filter action to add any field from the Item Card page as a filtering criterion.
Validation for inclusions on items is performed when selecting an item on a sales order line.
Grower InclusionsOpen the Grower Inclusions page. In the No. field, select the grower(s) that you want as inclusion(s) for this profile.
Validation for inclusions on growers, performed when selecting a lot on the Item Tracking Lines page for the sales order line, is applicable only when the Aptean Lot Management extension is installed.
Certificate InclusionsOpen the Certificate Inclusions page. In the Certificate Code field, select the producer certificate(s) that you want as inclusion(s) for this profile.
Validation for inclusions on certificates, performed when selecting a lot on the Item Tracking Lines page for the sales order line, is applicable only when the Aptean Production Certificates extension is installed.
Global Lot Attributes InclusionsOpen the Global Lot Attributes Inclusions page. The global lot attributes that are set up on the Advanced Attribute Setup page are displayed here as fields. In the relevant field, select the global lot attribute(s) that you want as inclusion(s) for this profile.
Validation for inclusions on global lot attributes, performed when selecting a lot on the Item Tracking Lines page for the sales order line, is applicable only when the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension is installed.

You can use ‘|’ to add multiple inclusions. For example, Item01|Item02|Item03.

  1. Select OK.
    The selected inclusions are presented as individual lines, along with their information, within the Lines Inclusions FastTab. Only inclusions that are set can be selected or assigned on the Sales Order page when the customer linked to this profile is associated with the sales order.

  2. Similarly, on the action bar, select Exclusions > Item Exclusions, Grower Exclusions, Certificate Exclusions, or Global Lot Attributes Exclusions to set the exclusions.


If an element is set as both an inclusion and an exclusion, it takes precedence as an exclusion.

Lines Inclusions fields

The elements that are set as inclusions are listed with the following details:

CategorySpecifies the type of element, such as Item, Grower, Certificate, and Global Attributes for which you have set the inclusion.
No.Specifies the number that identifies the item that you have set as inclusion. This field contains a value only for the Item category.
Certification CodeSpecifies the code of the certificate that you have set as inclusion. This field contains a value only for the Certificate category.
Certification No.Specifies the number of the certificate that you have set as inclusion. This field contains a value only for the Certificate category. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Producer Certificate List page.
DescriptionSpecifies the name of the item that you have set as inclusion. This field contains a value only for the Item category.
Global Lot Attribute fieldsSpecifies the global lot attributes that you have set as inclusions. The global lot attributes that are set up on the Advanced Attribute Setup page are displayed here as fields.

Lines Exclusions fields

The elements that are set as exclusions are listed with the following details:

CategorySpecifies the type of element, such as Item, Grower, Certificate, and Global Attributes for which you have set the exclusion.
No.Specifies the number that identifies the item that you have set as exclusion. This field contains a value only for the Item category.
Certification CodeSpecifies the code of the certificate that you have set as exclusion. This field contains a value only for the Certificate category.
Certification No.Specifies the number of the certificate that you have set as exclusion. This field contains a value only for the Certificate category. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Producer Certificate List page.
DescriptionSpecifies the name of the item that you have set as exclusion. This field contains a value only for the Item category.
Global Lot Attribute fieldsSpecifies the global lot attributes that you have set as exclusions. The global lot attributes that are set up on the Advanced Attribute Setup page are displayed here as fields.

Inclusion/Exclusion Details FactBox

On the Profile card page, you can view the Inclusion/Exclusion Details FactBox which provides insights into the key aspects of inclusions and exclusions configured for the profile. This includes details about whether the profile has any inclusions and exclusions for items, growers, and certificates. If such inclusions and exclusions are present, it also presents the count of how many have been added for each of these elements.

Item Inclusion FilterSpecifies whether the profile has any inclusions for items.
Grower Inclusion FilterSpecifies whether the profile has any inclusions for growers.
Certificate Inclusion FilterSpecifies whether the profile has any inclusions for certificates.
No. Of Item InclusionSpecifies the count of inclusions configured for items. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Profile Item Inclusion page.
No. Of Grower InclusionSpecifies the count of inclusions configured for growers. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Profile Grower Inclusion page.
No. Of Certificate InclusionSpecifies the count of inclusions configured for certificates. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Profile Certificate Inclusion page.
Item Exclusion FilterSpecifies whether the profile has any exclusions for items.
Grower Exclusion FilterSpecifies whether the profile has any exclusions for growers.
Certificate Exclusion FilterSpecifies whether the profile has any exclusions for certificates.
No. Of Item ExclusionSpecifies the count of exclusions configured for items. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Profile Item Exclusion page.
No. Of Grower ExclusionSpecifies the count of exclusions configured for growers. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Profile Grower Exclusion page.
No. Of Certificate ExclusionSpecifies the count of exclusions configured for certificates. Selecting the value in this field navigates you to the Profile Certificate Exclusion page.