Assign Profiles

Article12/05/20233 min read


You can assign one or more profiles to customers. When selecting a customer in the sales order, the default profile associated with the customer is automatically assigned to the sales order. The inclusions and exclusions defined in the relevant profile are then applied to that specific sales order.

To assign profiles to customers

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link. The Customers list page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the Customer Card page. The Customer Card page opens.
  3. On the action bar, select Related > Assign Profile to assign profiles to the customer. The Assign Profile page opens.
  4. In the Profile No. field, select the relevant profile that you intend to assign to the customer.

You can assign multiple profiles to a customer.

  1. Select the Default Profile checkbox for the profile that you want to set as the customer’s default profile. You can set only one profile as the default for a customer.

Profiles assigned to Bill-to Customers are automatically inherited by the Sell-to Customers. Additionally, you can include more profiles for Sell-to Customers, along with inherited profiles. You can also modify the default profile as needed.

If the Bill-to Customer that is associated with the Sell-to Customer is deleted, the profiles associated with the former Bill-to Customer will be removed from the profile list for the Sell-to Customer.


When you attempt to delete a customer record that is assigned as the Bill-to Customer, the system will prompt you to confirm whether the profiles associated with this Bill-to Customer, which are inherited by the Sell-to Customers, should either be removed from the profile list of the Sell-to Customer or retained.

Sales orders

You can also assign any profile to the sales order directly on the Sales Order page, regardless of the profiles previously assigned to the relevant customer.

To assign a profile to the sales order

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link. The Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the Sales Order card page. The Sales Order card page opens.
  3. In the Profile No. field, the default profile for the associated customer is automatically populated.
  4. Select the AssistEdit button . The Profiles list page opens.
  5. In the No. field, select the drop-down menu > Clear filter to view the complete list of profiles.
  6. Select the profile that you want to assign to the sales order.
  7. Select OK.

A notification appears at the top of the screen if the work date does not fall between the dates of the Start Date and End Date fields of the selected profile. However, you can still utilize the profile, and the checks within it remain applicable for validation.

You can filter the lot numbers associated with the elements pertinent to the specified profile, determined by the inclusions and exclusions configured in the profile. To perform this function, on the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Open and Calculate Trading Board. This function can be performed only when the Aptean Trading Board extension is installed. For more information, see Open trading board from sales order header.