Weight and Yield Percentage

Article12/27/20235 min read


The total weight of the Production BOM (expressed in the setup Weight Unit and based on the unit of measure registered on the Production BOM) can be calculated on the header of the Production BOM page.

To do this, the following calculations are made at the Production BOM line level:

  • The type of weight that is taken into consideration (net weight or gross weight)
  • The weight represented by the specific BOM line level before the production process (identified as the Input Quantity per WU) is expressed in the unit of measure of the Production BOM line.
  • The weight represented by the specific BOM line level after the production process (identified as the Output Quantity per WU) is expressed in the unit of measure of the Production BOM line.

These fields will be summarized on the Production BOM header level to give insight into the total net- and gross weight of one produced unit (in the unit of measure of the Production BOM). Also, from these figures, the Yield% is calculated.

Weight and Yield Setup

  1. Navigate to the desired Production BOM page.
  2. On the Lines FastTab, in the Weight Calculation Type field, select Net Weight.
    The options in the Weight Calculation Type field are Net weight, Gross Weight, and BOM Weight.
  3. On the Production BOM page, on the action bar, select Actions > Other > Calculate Weight and Yield.

The action has calculated the Weight and Yield for the Production BOM lines for which the Weight Calculation Type field has been filled as follows:

  • In each production BOM line, the Input Quantity per (WU) field unit specifies the weight represented by the specific BOM line before the production process has taken place, expressed in the Unit of Measure of the Production BOM line.
  • In each production BOM line, the Output Quantity per (WU) field specifies the weight represented by the specific BOM line level after the production process has taken place, expressed in the Unit of Measure of the Production BOM line.

The action has calculated the Weight and Yield for the Production BOM header as follows:


  • The Total Input Net Weight field specifies the sum of the value of the Input Quantity per (WU) field of all Production BOM lines where Weight Calculation Type = Net Weight.
  • The Total Input Gross Weight field specifies the sum value of the Input Quantity per (WU) field of all Production BOM lines where Weight Calculation Type = Net Weight or Gross Weight.
  • The Total Output Net Weight field specifies the sum value of the Output Quantity per (WU) field of all Production BOM lines where Weight Calculation Type = Net Weight.
  • The Total Output Gross Weight field specifies the sum value of the Output Quantity per (WU) field of all Production BOM lines where Weight Calculation Type = Net Weight or Gross Weight.
  • The Yield % field specifies the yield percentage, which is calculated by dividing the value of Total Output Net Weight by the value of Total Input Net Weight on the Production BOM header.

The Weight and Yield% are also automatically calculated upon certifying the BOM.

Weight Calculation Type

The Weight Calculation Type field is updated with the option based on the selection of Production BOM Type on the Lines FastTab of the Production BOM page. The line type of the Production BOM can be Item or Production BOM.

  1. When the Type field is selected as Item, the Weight Calculation Type field is inherited with the value from the Default Weight Calculation Type field on the Item Card page.
    1. Navigate to the desired Item Card page.
    2. On the Replenishment FastTab, in the Default Weight Calculation Type field, select an option from the dropdown.
      This value is inherited in the Weight Calculation Type field on the Lines FastTab of the Production BOM page, when the item is selected on the Type field.
  2. When the line is set up with the type Production BOM, the weight calculation type is automatically set to BOM Weight, indicating that the weight calculation types of the underlying BOM lines should be used to determine in what category they fall.
    You can change the Weight Calculation Type field value manually when required.

Yield Percentage on Production BOM lines

On the Production BOM page, on the Lines FastTab, the Yield % field specifies the percentage that determines the component’s input to the yielded output. The Yield % value ranges between 0.01 and 100. The default value is set as 100. If the yield percentage is less than 100%, it will reduce the component’s contribution to the net weight of the output. This field is editable when the Weight Calculation Type is set as Net Weight or BOM Weight. It cannot be edited unless the Scrap % is zero.

If for a line of Type Production BOM, the Input and Output Quantity per fields remain 0. On the Weight Unit (WU) FastTab, the following fields are updated based on the value in the Yield % field on the Production BOM lines.

  • The Output Quantity per Batch field is estimated as Input Quantity per Batch * (Yield % * 0.01).
    This field is updated automatically if any modifications are made to the Yield % or Input Quantity per Batch field.
  • The Quantity Per field is estimated based on the Yield % while selecting the Calculate Quantity Per action.
  • The Output Quantity per (WU) field is estimated based on the Yield % while selecting the Calculate Weight and Yield action.