Production Completion Analysis Report

Article01/10/20242 min read

The Production Completion Analysis Report provides a summary of completed production orders. You can use it to check that all output and consumption entries have been posted, and also review any variances between the expected and actual output/consumption.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Production Completion Analysis, and then choose the related link.
    Alternatively, on the Change Production Order Status page, on the action bar, select Report > Production Completion Analysis.
    The Production Completion Analysis page opens.

  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the following fields:

    Production Variance % FilterHighlight any production order lines where the actual output varies from the expected output by a percentage within the range defined here.
    Component Variance % FilterHighlight any component lines where the actual consumption varies from expected consumption (adjusted for actual output) by a percentage within the range defined here.
    Capacity Variance % FilterEnter the percentage value to filter variances between actual and expected capacity. After running the report, routing lines with variance percentages outside the specified range will be listed and highlighted by comparing actual capacity consumption against the standard capacity.
    Exclude Scrap From VarianceControls whether the defined scrap percentage should be excluded when calculating the component variance.
  3. On the Filter: Prod. Order Line FastTab, fill in the following fields to filter Production Order records:

    • Prod. Order No.
    • Item No.
    • Location Code
    • Due Date
    • Starting Date
  4. Select Preview to generate the report.