Open Shop Floor Bin Relations

Article12/27/20232 min read

The bin to be used for production order components can be determined through the Open Shop Floor Bin Relations page. The locations must first be set up with bins and then perform the following steps.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Open Shop Floor Bin Relations, and then choose the related link.
    The Open Shop Floor Bin Relations list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click New to create a new line.
  3. Fill in the following fields
Location CodeEnter the code for the location involved in the selected open shop floor bin relation.
TypeChoose the type of resource involved in the selected open shop floor bin relation. The available options are the Work Center and Machine Center.
No.Enter the number assigned to the work or machine center involved in the selected open shop floor bin relation.
Component TypeChoose the type of component involved in the selected open shop floor bin relation. The available options are Item and Item Category.
Component Type No.Enter or choose the item number or item category code of the component involved in the selected open shop floor bin relation.
Variant CodeChoose the variant code of the component involved in the selected open shop floor bin relation. It is applicable only when the Component Type is an Item.
Open Shop Floor Bin CodeEnter or choose the bin code from the open shop floor to be applied to the backflushed component line. This is filtered based on the selected Location Code.
  1. On the action bar, click the Edit List action to edit an existing line or the Delete action to delete a line.

On the Released Production Order page, select Actions > Function > Other > Refresh Production Order to update the bin from the Open Shop Floor Relations page for the production order components.

The following hierarchy is followed while choosing the Open Shop Floor Bin Code. On the Open Shop Floor Relations page, the line in which

  1. All fields are filled in.
  2. All fields are filled in except the Variant Code.
  3. All fields are filled in, and the Component Type is set as Item category.

Variant Code will always be blank for Item Category.

  1. All fields are filled in except Type and No.
  2. All fields are filled in except Type, No., and Variant Code.
  3. All fields are filled in except Type and No., and the Component Type is set as Item Category.

If the Open Shop Floor Relations page is not set up, the Refresh Production Order action will perform its default functionality.