Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution Report

Article01/24/20242 min read

The Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution Report is similar to the BOM Cost Share Distribution Report. It allows calculation in relation to a Production BOM or Version independent of any item record. The Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution report includes the component lines when the production BOM/production BOM version lines have the Production BOM type. It will use the Routing/Version/Overhead as per the Production BOM Cost Shares Setup record for the respective BOM Version.

  1. Navigate to the desired Production BOM page.
  2. On the action bar, select Actions> Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution Report.
    The Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution page opens.
  3. On the Options FastTab, in the Show Cost Shares as and Show only fields, select an option from the dropdown.
  4. Turn on the Include Details toggle
  5. On the Filter: Production BOM Line FastTab, in the Production BOM No. and Version Code fields, select the required number from the list.

The Production BOM No. is filled in automatically when opening the Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution from the Production BOM page.

  1. Click Preview & Close to generate report.
    Along with the standard data, the report also consists of the Routing No., Routing Version No. and Overhead Cost from the Production BOM Cost Share Setup data.

To generate report for specific BOM No. and version code

  1. Navigate to the desired Production BOM page.
  2. On the action bar, select Home > Versions.
    The Prod. BOM Version List page opens.
  3. Select the required Version Code to open the Production BOM Version page.
  4. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution.
    The Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution page opens.
  5. On the Filter: Production BOM Line FastTab, the Production BOM No. and Version Code fields are automatically populated.
  6. Select Preview & Close to generate report.
    The report is generated for the specific Production BOM No. and the Version Code.

To generate report with multiple BOM Nos.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Independent BOM Cost Share Distribution and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Filter: Production BOM Line FastTab, in the Production BOM No. field select multiple BOM Nos.
  3. Select Preview & Close to generate report.

A single report is generated for all the Production BOM Nos. and versions in that BOM.


All the lines on each Production BOM are created on the same page of the report. When multiple Production BOMs are considered, the lines on each Production BOM are created on individual pages. When the Version Code is also entered, the report generates lines based on the Production BOM Version lines.