Backflush on Lot-tracked items

Article12/26/20235 min read


Materials and components that must be consumed during production can be set up with a backward flushing method. The standard backflush functionality is extended to automatically calculate, and post lot tracked items when using the backward flushing method. The standard behavior requires that the user manually assigns a lot number in the item tracking lines of the production component line prior to changing the status to Finished. With this extra functionality, the assignment of item tracking lines is done automatically when the status of a released production order is changed to Finished. Lot numbers will also be automatically assigned to component items when routing link codes are defined because the calculation and posting of component consumption occur when each operation is finished instead of completing the production order.

The finished quantity of the production order line dictates the quantity that needs to be assigned in the item tracking line(s) for the consumption journal lines. The total quantity of all item tracking lines that are automatically created for a consumption journal line adds up to the result of the finished quantity (of the prod. order line) multiplied by the Quantity Per of the associated production component line.

There is a distinction between lot numbers that are created with and without an expiration date. When this expiration date has been assigned, the lot numbers with the earliest expiration date (with a remaining quantity) will be assigned in the item tracking lines. This method follows the FEFO (First Expired, First Out) principle. However, lot numbers without an expiration date will be assigned based on FIFO (First In, First Out). This means that item ledger entry (with a remaining quantity) with the lowest Entry No. will be assigned first.

Backflush on Lot number setup

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Process Manufacturing Setup and then choose the related link.
    The Process Manufacturing Setup page opens.
  2. Turn on the Backflush on Lot Number toggle.

This specifies if lot numbers are automatically assigned for consumption items that are set up with the backward flushing method.

Exceptions during auto-assignment of Lot numbers

The following exceptions are considered when automatically back flushing lot tracked component items:

  • If the Item Tracking code used by the component item is set with Strict Expiration Posting = Yes, then expired lot numbers are skipped when assigning the lot numbers in the automatically assigned item tracking lines.
  • If the Aptean Inspection Status extension has been installed and a lot number has an Inspection Status assigned with the setting Production Consumption Pick = Yes and/or Production Consumption Availability = Yes, then the lot number is skipped when assigning the lot numbers in the automatically assigned item tracking lines.
  • If the lot number information card has the setting Blocked = Yes, the lot number is skipped when assigning the lot numbers in the automatically assigned item tracking lines.
  • While assigning item tracking lines to the production component lines, if there isn’t enough inventory available, then an error is shown that there is insufficient inventory. This can, for example, be caused by an existing reservation for the item that must be back flushed.
  • If the item tracking lines are already assigned to the associated production component line (for example because they are manually assigned) then the auto-assignment of these item tracking lines will be skipped. If the total quantity of the manually assigned item tracking lines is insufficient, an error message will be shown.
  • If the lot number is already assigned in the item tracking lines to be used in another document, these quantities are taken into consideration when assigning the lot number during the backward flushing. The lot numbers and quantities that are placed in an inventory pick and/or warehouse pick are not considered in the calculation. Only the quantities that have been separated from the available stock by assigning them in the item tracking lines are considered.

    If you also use the Aptean Food and Beverage License Plating extension, when changing the status of Released Production Order to Finished Production Order, on the Released Production Order page, the backflush functionality automatically assigns the lot numbers and license plates belonging to the lot numbers in the item tracking lines to the finished production order.
    If the license plate card has the setting Blocked = Yes, then the license plate number is skipped when assigning the finished production order with the lot number and license plate number in the automatically assigned item tracking lines.

  • In case of an empty Bin Code (and possibly an empty Location Code) in the Prod. Order Component line, the functionality will look for an inventory that is stocked without a Bin Code (and possibly without Location Code) to backflush lot tracked consumption items.
  • In case of warehouse entries that are created without a lot number (which can be caused when an item is set up with an Item Tracking Code without the setting ‘Lot Warehouse Tracking’ turned on), the assignment of lot numbers during the backward flushing will not consider the Bin Code that’s mentioned on the Prod. Order Component line as a filter when assigning a lot number. For proper working one should use an Item Tracking code with this setting turned on.