Item cost calculation

Article05/29/20241 min read

The Specific Unit Cost and Use Specific Cost as Direct toggles on the Work Center Card or Machine Center Card page influences the calculation method of the capacity cost. When these toggles are turned on, the Unit Cost Per field on the routing line for the item will determine the capacity cost.

The capacity cost of the machine center can be calculated using the following actions:

  • On the Item card page, on the action bar, select Related > Bill of Materials > Other > Cost Shares.
  • On the Item card page, on the action bar, select Related > Bill of Materials > Production > Calc. Production Std. Cost.
  • On the Standard Cost Worksheet page, on the action bar, select Roll Up Standard Cost.

The Indirect Cost % and Overhead Rate field values are obtained from the Work Center Card or Machine Center Card page. This is also applicable for multi-level calculations.