
Article05/30/20246 min read

Price Matrix Setup

Certain configurations are necessary to utilize the Aptean Pricing Matrix extension for accurate curation and assigninment of customer pricing. You can create a default table for the price matrix on the Pricing Matrix Setup page. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Pricing Matrix Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Pricing Matrix Setup page opens.
  2. On the General FastTab, fill in the following fields:
Default Price basisSelect the alternate cost code that will be assigned to the associated documents by default if the price basis is not configured.
Customer AttributeSelect the default customer attribute that will be considered for further operations on the price calculation matrix page.
Item AttributeSelect the default item attribute that will be considered for further operations on the price calculation matrix page.
Show Global AttributesTurn on to display the global attributes associated with the price matrix.
Cost Calculation PeriodDefine the time period for which the system will fetch all the item transactions for the cost calculation.

The setup is completed.

Pricing formula

The pricing formula helps you to configure a standard calculation method for the price calculation matrix. It helps establish parameters for modifying alternate costs to achieve a final price. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Pricing Formula List and then choose the related link.
    The Pricing Formula List page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Pricing Formula Card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, enter the Code and Description.
  4. On the Calculation FastTab, fill in the following fields:
Amount before %Specify a fixed amount added to the cost before calculating the percentage.
PercentageSpecify the percentage value based on the percentage type.
Percentage TypeSpecify the type of percentage you want to apply to the cost value.You can choose from the following options: Cost: Apply the percentage directly to the cost using the formula, Price = Cost * (1 + Percentage).
For example, a $10 cost with a 10% increase will result in $10* 1.1 = $11.00.
Margin: Specify the desired margin percentage. Use the formula, Price = Cost / (1 - Percentage) to calculate the price. For instance, a $10 cost with a 10% margin increase will yield $10 / .9 = $11.11.
Round ToSelect the number of decimal places the price will be rounded up to.
Round To TypeSelect the type of rounding. You can configure whether you want the value to be rounded up or down.
Amount after %Specify a fixed amount that is added to the cost value after calculating the percentage.

Alternatively, you can create a new pricing formula using the Copy action .

  1. On the Pricing Formula List page, select the required Code and then on the action bar select Copy.
    The Copy Pricing Formula page opens.
  2. Enter the Pricing Formula Code and Pricing Formula Description.
  3. Click OK.

The Pricing Formula Code is created.

Verify the pricing formula

With this feature, you can verify the pricing formula for a certain value. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. On the action bar, select Calculate Price.
    The Price Formula Calculation page opens.
  2. On the Input FastTab, in the Cost field, enter a relevant value.
    The system populates the calculated price on the Calculation FastTab.
  3. Click Close.

Price Calculation Matrix

You can assign multiple pricing formulas for diverse Unit Of Measurements (UOMs) and cost ranges, ensuring accurate pricing adjustments and supporting flexible pricing strategies tailored to market conditions and customer needs. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Price Calculation Matrix and then choose the related link.
    The Price Calculation Matrix page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The system populates a new line.
  3. Fill in the following fields:
Source TypeSpecify the type of entity to which the price calculation matrix is assigned. The options are relevant to the entity you are currently viewing.
Source No.Enter a source number that identifies the customers to which this price calculation matrix applies to.
Item TypeSpecify the type of items to which this price calculation matrix applies to.
No.Select an item number to which this price calculation matrix applies to.
VariantSelect the variant associated with the selected item.
Unit of MeasureSpecify the unit of measure for the price calculation matrix.
Pricing FormulaSpecify the pricing formula code, which will be assigned to the specific price calculation matrix.
Effective DateSpecify the date from which the defined pricing calculation matrix will be applied.

If you turn on the Show Global Attributes toggle on the Pricing Matrix Setup page, the global attributes will be displayed on the Price Calculation Matrix page, allowing you to define pricing formulas based on these attributes.

Alternatively, you can create a price calculation matrix by using the Copy action .

  1. Select the required Entry No. and then on the action bar, select Functions > Copy.
    The Copy Price Calculation Matrix page opens.
  2. Enter the Pricing Formula and Effective Date.
  3. Click OK.
    The new entry is created.

Alternate UOM

Alternate UOMs allow seamless price calculation in different units, ensuring consistency in pricing for varied measurements. You can define alternate UOMs for specific records on the Price Calculation Matrix page. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. On the Price Calculation Matrix page, select the required entry.
  2. On the action bar select Functions > Alternate UOM Formula.
    The Alternate UOM Formula List page opens.
  3. Fill in the following fields:
Entry No.Enter a unique number that identifies the entries. The system assigns this number automatically while creating a record.
Parent Entry No.Specify the unique number assigned to the selected price calculation matrix. This value is inherited from the selected entry.
Unit of MeasureSpecify the alternate unit of measure that you want to assign to the selected price calculation matrix.
Pricing FormulaSpecify the code for the pricing formula that you want to assign to the selected price calculation matrix.

Cost ranges

Cost ranges enable different pricing formulas based on varying cost brackets, optimizing pricing decisions across quantities or periods. You can assign pricing formulas for different ranges of cost of the item that are configured on the Pricing Calculation Matrix page. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. On the Pricing Calculation Matrix page, select the required entries.
  2. On the action bar, select Functions > Cost Ranges.
    The Price Calculation Cost Ranges page opens.
  3. Fill in the following fields:
Source Entry No.Enter the unique number that has been assigned to the selected entry. The system inherits this number from the source document.
Minimum CostDefine the minimum cost you want to assign to the selected price calculation matrix.
Pricing FormulaSpecify the code for the pricing formula that you want to assign for the defined cost range.

If the Minimum Cost is defined for an entry, you must select its Pricing Formula.

Cost ranges enable the application of a single price calculation formula across diverse items. For example, let’s say you want to implement a 50% cost increase for dairy items aimed at retail customers. While this adjustment suits lower-cost items, such as a $5 cost item resulting in a $7.50 price, it renders the price too high for higher-priced items, like a $50 cost item yielding a $75 price. With cost ranges, you can customize the pricing formula based on different cost brackets.
Standard entry: dairy for retail uses a 50% pricing formula.
Cost ranges: $30 minimum cost employs a 45% pricing formula, $60 minimum cost employs a 40% Pricing formula, etc.