Create production document with family

Article11/08/20232 min read

While creating a production document, you can choose the Source Type as Family. Prior to creating the production document, turn on the Certified toggle on the Family Profile and Family pages.

Follow the below steps to create a Released Production Order with Family:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Released Production Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Released Production Orders list page, choose New on the action bar.
  3. On the Released Production Order page, on the General FastTab, fill in the required fields.
  4. In the Source Type field, choose Family.
  5. In the Source No. field, choose a certified Family that gets displayed.
  6. On the action bar, choose Home > Refresh Production Order.
    The following checks occur before the Production Order lines get created:
Production Order Lines
Family has no assigned profiles or, Family has profiles, but none are assignedThe Family Lines will be created.
Family has profiles and an assigned dateThe Items from the profile are retrieved and reflected.

The Items are listed on the Lines FastTab in ascending order based on the Sort Order specified on the Lines FastTab on the Family Profile page.


When you assign a due date to a Family Profile, it is selected and will be active till the assigned date from the date of creation.

The quantities of the Items on the Lines FastTab are based on the Output % on the Lines FastTab of the Family Profile page.

The equation for the above calculation works as follows:

If the Quantity = 120 (B) in the Released Production Order and the Output% for Items on Family Profile for a Family are as follows:

  • Item 01, Output % 60 (A1), sort order 2
  • Item 02, Output % 30 (A2), sort order 1
  • Item 03, Output % 10 (A3), sort order 3

Formula: (C) = (B) * (Ax) / 100