Create a family profile

Article12/05/20232 min read

You can set up a family profile to view, create, and edit the family profile records and the related lines. You cannot make any changes in the Family or Family Profiles when the Family is certified. To learn more about creating a Family, see Create a family.

Follow the below steps to create a Family Profile:

  1. On the Family page, on the action bar, choose Actions > Family Profiles.
  2. On the Family Profile list page, fill in the required fields.
    Choose the required Family No. (a code field containing alpha or alphanumeric values) to access the Family Profile Card page. Alternatively, choose Edit on the action bar to open the Family Profile Card page.
  3. On the Family Profile Card page, on the Lines FastTab, in the Output % field, enter a value.
    The Output % for each item can only be 0 or greater and the sum of Output % of all items must be equal to 100. You cannot turn on the Certified toggle before the sum of Output % is 100.

When the Output % is 0, the Block for Production checkbox is selected by default. You can also change the Sort Order of the Item on the Lines FastTab by choosing the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

When you delete or rename a Family Profile, it will perform the same action for all the associated records.