Aptean Advanced Attributes integration into families

Article11/08/20232 min read

You can add attributes into the Family Lines, Family Component Lines, Family Profile Lines, and Family Profile Component Lines. This can be done by using the Aptean Production Family Profile extension in conjunction with the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension.

Attributes in families

The integration with the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension enables you to create Family Lines with lot attributes. The integration further allows you to create the Family Component Lines with lot attributes. To learn more about lot attributes, see Lot attributes.

Attributes in family profiles

The Aptean Advanced Attributes extension is integrated with Family Profiles. This integration copies the lot attributes in the Family Lines to the Family Profile Lines. The integration also enables you to add lot attributes to the items on the Family Profile Component Lines.

The items and the attributes added to the Family Component Lines and Family Profile Component Lines appear on the Components-Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox of the respective pages. To learn more, see Editable FactBox.

Attributes in families with production document

When you install Aptean Advanced Attributes extension, you can create a Production Order through Family in the output and components by integrating the lot attributes.

To learn more about assigning lot attributes on the production documents, see Assign lot attribute to the production document.