Producer Certificate Assignments

Article08/28/20243 min read

With this extension, you can assign producer certificates to growers, vendors, and locations. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Producer Certificate Assignments, and then choose the related link.
    The Producer Certificate Assignments page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click New to create a new entry.
  3. On the Producer Certification Assignments page, in the Certification for field, mention whether the certification is applicable to the grower, vendor or location.
  4. In the Bill to Vendor No. Field, enter the number assigned to the vendor for whom the bill will be created.
  5. In the Bill to Vendor Name field, enter the name of the vendor for whom the bill will be created.
  6. Fill in the rest of the fields as required.

On the Grower, Vendor and Location pages, you can view the Producer Certificates FactBox which specifies the number of assigned certificates to the growers, vendors, and locations.


when producer certificate restriction lines are created automatically from the Certification Staging list, the producer certificate assignments are updated automatically.

Assign producer certificates

You can assign producer certificates in purchase orders, warehouse receipts, production orders, transfer orders, and sales documents. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. On the Purchase Order page, on the Lines FastTab, on the action bar click Line > Assign Growers And Certificates.
    The Assign Growers and Certificates page opens.

    Ensure that you execute the Assign Growers and Certificates action prior to shipment to copy certificate details onto posted shipment documents.

    • This activity can be performed similarly on the Warehouse Receipt, Transfer Order, and Sales Return Order pages.

    • On the Sales Order lines, on the action bar, click Line > Related Information > Assign Growers and Certificates.

    • On the Production Order page, on the Item Tracking Lines, on the action bar, click Related > Line > Assign Growers and Certificates.


    On the Assign Growers and Certificates page, you will be able to assign only validcertificates to the producers, vendors, and locations. Additionally,

    • The vendor, location, and items/item category/attributes restrictions should match with the assigned document.
    • The certificate’s expiration date should be after the order date.
  2. On the General FastTab, the Lot No. field is automatically filled with the lot number of the specific item.

  3. On the Producer Certificate Document Assigned Grower FastTab, fill in the number and name of the grower for which the Producer Certificate Document will be assigned.


    You must assign the grower manually per Lot No. A single lot can have more than one grower.

  4. On the Producer Certificate Documents Assignments FastTab, the fields are filled with details of all the certificates linked to the grower.

The Producer Certificate is assigned to the required document and the grower.

If you have initially assigned a grower and their name, posted a receipt for a partial quantity, and subsequently changed the grower and grower number before posting, you can view the complete list of growers for those specific lines.

Automatic assignment of producer certificates

When producer certificates are assigned to lots on lines of the Purchase Order page, the producer certificates are automatically inherited when these lots are assigned to lines on the Sales Order, Prod. Order Components, or Transfer Order page.

On the action bar, select Related Information > Assign Growers and Certificates to view or delete the automatically inherited producer certificates on the Assign Growers and Certificates page.

The Producer Certificate Document Assignments and Producer Certificate Documents Assigned Growers pages are updated accordingly.