
Article03/22/20241 min read

The Aptean Producer Certification extension utilizes the features of the following extension:


The Aptean Producer Certification extension can be used in conjunction with the Aptean Telemetry extension to analyze and evaluate data through which you can view the setup, usage and volume of data processing.

Advanced Attributes

The Aptean Producer Certification extension can be used in conjunction with the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension to set up user-defined attributes linked to items, customers, vendors, and lot numbers.

Lot Management

The Aptean Producer Certification extension can be used in conjunction with the Aptean Lot Management extension, facilitating the synchronization of grower information. This ensures that growers associated with specific lots are accurately reflected in the Lot Origin Details. By linking Aptean Lot Management with this extension, you can efficiently manage lot numbers, assign growers, and track certifications, streamlining the process and enhancing data accuracy.