Create a producer certificate for a location entity

Article04/01/20241 min read

Besides vendors and growers, locations (warehouses, pack locations, etc.) can hold certificates that must be visible during various business processes. Therefore it is possible to create a producer certificate for any location. Upon receiving lot numbers at these locations, the certificate will be assigned to the lot numbers.

The following procedure describes how to create producer certificates for location.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Producer Certificate List, and then choose the related link.

    The Producer Certificate List page opens.

  2. On the action bar, click New.

    The Producer Certificate page opens.

  3. In the Certification Code field, select the value of the certificate code.

  4. In the Location Code field, select the designated location for the certificate.


When a location is selected, the Vendor No. and Grower No. fields become non-editable. Any existing values are cleared, and a notification appears.

  1. On the Producer Certification Restriction Lines, in the Item No. field, select the number.

  2. On the action bar, select Producer Certificate Assignments to manage the producer certificate assignment to a specific location.

    A prompt message appears to update the Producer Certificate Assignment.

  3. Click Yes.

    The Producer Certificate Assignment line is created for the specific location.

    You can assign producer certificates in purchase orders, warehouse receipts, production orders, transfer orders, and sales documents.