Assign Producer Certification Issuer

Article05/07/20231 min read

The following procedure describes how to assign the audit companies that issue producer certifications to vendors or growers.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Producer Certification Issuer List and then choose the related link.
    The Producer Certification Issuer List page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click New to create a new entry.
    The Producer Certification Issuer Card page opens.
  3. On the Producer Certification Issuer Card page, fill in the following details.

On the General FastTab,

CodeSpecifies the code of the producer certificate issuer.
NameSpecifies the name of the producer certificate issuer.
Vendor No.Specifies the number of the vendor for whose product this producer certificate is applicable.
Vendor NameSpecifies the name of the vendor for whose product this producer certificate is applicable.

On the Address & Contact FastTab,

AddressSpecifies vendor’s address.
Address 2Specifies additional address information.
Country/Region CodeSpecifies the country and region code for the address.
CitySpecifies the city where vendor resides.
Post CodeSpecifies the post code of vendor’s address.
Phone No.Specifies vendor’s telephone number.
Mobile Phone No.Specifies vendor’s mobile phone number.
EmailSpecifies vendor’s email address.
Home PageSpecifies vendor’s website.
Our Account No.Specifies the account number from which payments are made to the vendor.
Primary Contact CodeSpecifies the contact number of the person in charge of your business with this vendor.
ContactSpecifies the name of the person in charge of your business with this vendor.