Packaging calculations

Article06/13/202410 min read

Performing packaging calculations for items in the source documents can be done either when the document is released or posted, depending on the configuration in the Packaging Calculation Method field on the Packaging Setup page.

The calculation is based on the following formula:

Required quantity of the packaging type = Quantity of the item / Quantity Per Packaging (obtained from the Default Packaging page for the respective item).

The system determines the location for calculation based on the option selected in the Packaging Location by field on the Packaging Setup page. The packaging location should be configured on the relevant Location Card page of the item. If it is not configured, the Default Packaging Location field value on the Inventory Setup page is considered. Also, the relevant packaging location must be made an entry on the Register Packaging Setup page.

Packaging calculation methods


When the Packaging Calculation Method field on the Packaging Setup page is set to Manual, the packaging calculations are performed, and the packaging lines are added to the lines only when the document is posted. Also, you can view the calculated quantities for packaging items on the Packaging Transaction page, before posting the document. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

Here, we are using a purchase order as an example. This procedure is a continuation of the process explained in the Calculation for packaging lines section. For more information, refer to the sections on Inbound Transactions and Outbound Transactions.

  1. Open the Purchase Order page.
  2. Perform the steps explained in the Calculation for packaging lines section.
  3. On the action bar, select Order > Packaging to view the calculation for packaging.
    The Packaging Transaction page opens.

To open the Packaging Transaction page from the Sales Return Order page, select Related > Return Order > Packaging on the action bar.

Upon opening the Packaging Transaction page, if the packaging type is linked to the item(s) in the order, the system automatically performs packaging calculations for both order and item levels. The required quantity for each packaging type is displayed in the Quantity To Post field on the Order Bound Packaging and Item Bound Packaging FastTabs.

The fields on the Order Bound Packaging FastTab are editable, whereas the fields on the Item Bound Packaging FastTab are not.

If modifications are made to the order, such as adding a new item or modifying item quantities, the calculations on the Item Bound Packaging FastTab are automatically updated upon reopening the Packaging Transaction page. However, the calculations for the Order Bound Packaging FastTab can be updated by manually selecting the Recalculate Packaging action.

The system performs the calculation according to the packaging calculation formula mentioned above.


The Quantity Per Packaging field value is sourced from the Item Bound type for item bound packaging calculations and the Order Bound type for order bound packaging calculations.

If multiple items in the document have the same packaging type and location, the system calculates the required quantity of packaging type individually for each item. The outcomes are then summed, and the total is rounded off to the next whole integer. This function is applicable only for order bound packaging.

For example, consider the following scenario:

Items and packaging details

  • Item A has a packaging location X and the Quantity per Packaging for the packaging type P is 3.
  • Item B has a packaging location Y and the Quantity per Packaging for the packaging type L is 7.
  • Item C has a packaging location Y and the Quantity per Packaging for the packaging type L is 10.

Purchase Order quantities

  • Item A = 20
  • Item B = 25
  • Item C = 22

Packaging calculation

  1. For item A, the required quantity of packaging type P = 20/3 = 6.6 = 7 (Rounded off to the next whole integer).
  2. For items B & C,
    • Required quantity of packaging type L for item B = 25/7 = 3.5
    • Required quantity of packaging type L for item C = 27/10 = 2.2 The system sums the outcome quantities since Items B and C have the same packaging type L and packaging location Y.

Total required quantity of packaging type L = 3.5 + 2.2 = 5.7 = 6 (Rounded off to the next whole integer)

This calculation works similarly for both order bound packaging and item bound packaging. However, consolidating the quantity for packaging types when multiple items share the same packaging type and packaging location is performed only for order bound packaging.

Furthermore, if the document has multiple lines, only the lines with values in the Qty. to Receive field are considered for packaging calculations. The relevant lines for packaging items are added to the document upon posting.

This functionality is applicable even in the case of partial receipts for documents such as purchase orders and sales return orders. Initially, the packaging calculation is performed only for the quantity in the Qty. to Receive field during the first partial receipt, and the relevant lines for packaging items are added to the original document upon posting the warehouse document. Subsequently, the packaging calculation can be performed again for the subsequent quantity in the Qty. to Receive field, and the relevant lines will be added to the original document when it is posted again.

  1. Select Close on the Packaging Transaction page.

A summarized view of added packaging (packaging types and quantities) is available in the Total Packaging Factbox. This Factbox is available on all document types to which packages can be added.

  1. On the Purchase Order page, on the action bar, select Post.

After posting, the packaging items calculated on the Packaging Transaction page are added to the order lines. Additionally, the relevant packaging types and quantities are registered on the Packaging Entries page.

On Release

When the Packaging Calculation Method field on the Packaging Setup page is set to On Release, the packaging calculations are performed, and the packaging lines are added to the lines when the document is released. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

Here we have taken a sales order as an example. This procedure is a continuation of the process explained in the Calculation for packaging lines section. For more information, refer to the sections on Inbound Transactions and Outbound Transactions.

  1. Open the Sales Order page.
  2. Perform the steps explained in the Calculation for packaging lines section.
  3. On the action bar, select Home > Release.

The system checks for the packaging type that is linked to the item(s) in the order and performs packaging calculations for both order and item levels based on the above-mentioned packaging calculation formula.


In this scenario, the Packaging action is disabled in the document, preventing access to the Packaging Transaction page. If you want to manually add packaging items to the sales, purchase, or transfer order lines, select Line > Add Packaging on the action bar.

The packaging calculations for the On Release packaging calculation method work similarly to the Manual packaging calculation method, with the following additional features:

Calculate Packaging Per

If multiple items in the document have the same packaging type and packaging location, you can determine whether the system should calculate and consolidate the required quantity of packaging type for Order Bound Packaging. This function works based on the configuration in the Calculate Packaging Per field on the Packaging Setup page.

  • When this field is set to Order, the packaging calculations for order bound packaging for the relevant items are consolidated and presented as a single line if it meets the criteria specified above. This consolidated line is presented above all the lines of packaging items.
  • When this field is set to Item, the packaging calculations for order bound packaging are performed and presented separately for each item, regardless of whether they meet the criteria specified above. These individual lines for packaging items are grouped under the respective items that they are associated with.

Round Order Bound Shipping Container Per

The Round Order Bound Shipping Container Per function determines the sequence of operations, such as summing and rounding off while the system performs the packaging calculations if the Calculate Packaging Per field is set to Order. This function works based on the configuration in the Round Order Bound Shipping Containers Per field on the Packaging Setup page for customers. If this is left blank, the value in the Round Order Bound Shipping Containers Per field on the Packaging Setup page is considered. This Round Order Bound Shipping Per functionality applies only to the sales documents.

  • When this field is set to Order, the system calculates the required quantity of packaging type individually for each item that meets the above criteria. The outcomes are summed first, and then the total is rounded off to the next whole integer. This process works similarly to the example provided in the Manual packaging calculation method.
  • When this field is set to Order Line, the system calculates the required quantity of packaging type individually for each item that meets the above criteria. Each item’s outcome is individually rounded off first to the next whole integer and then the rounded values are summed. For example, consider the following scenario:

Items and packaging details

  • Item A has a packaging location X and the Quantity per Packaging for the packaging type P is 3.
  • Item B has a packaging location Y and the Quantity per Packaging for the packaging type L is 7.
  • Item C has a packaging location Y and the Quantity per Packaging for the packaging type L is 10.

Purchase Order quantities

  • Item A = 20
  • Item B = 25
  • Item C = 22

Packaging calculation

  1. For item A, the required quantity of packaging type P = 20/3 = 6.6 = 7 (Rounded off to the next whole integer).
  2. For items B & C,
    • Required quantity of packaging type L for item B = 25/7 = 3.5 = 4 (Rounded off to the next whole integer).
    • Required quantity of packaging type L for item C = 27/10 = 2.2 = 3 (Rounded off to the next whole integer).

The system first rounds off the outcome quantities individually since Items B and C have the same packaging type L and packaging location Y. Then the values are summed.

Total required quantity of packaging type L = 4 + 3 = 7.

Once the document is released, the packaging calculations are performed, and the packaging lines are added to the document lines.

You can also adjust the quantity required for packaging types as needed.

Additionally, the following checkboxes on the lines indicate statuses and enable the process of packaging calculations.

Allow Packaging ReCalculationSelect the checkbox to allow the system to recalculate the quantity for the packaging item whenever there is a change in the quantity of the items, location, or any other factor affecting the packaging calculations. This checkbox is editable only for lines containing packaging items.
This checkbox is automatically checked when the Allow Recalculate Packaging toggle is turned on and it is automatically cleared when that toggle is turned off. Subsequently, you can manually select or clear the checkbox as needed.
Packaging CalculatedSpecifies whether packaging calculations are performed for the item in the line. This checkbox is selected even for items that have no configuration for packaging types, as packaging calculations are still performed for these items.
This function is applicable only for lines containing food items and it cannot be manually edited.
Automated PackagingSpecifies whether the line for the packaging item is automatically generated when the packaging calculations are performed. This checkbox is cleared for the packaging items in the lines that are added manually.
This function is applicable only for lines containing packaging items and it cannot be manually edited.
  1. On the action bar, select Home > Release to release the document.

After releasing the document, the calculated packaging items are added to the order lines.

If you reopen the document and change or clear the location determined for calculation, the system will automatically delete the lines of relevant packaging items.


The packaging items and quantities on the order lines are registered on the Packaging Entries page only after the document is posted. For more information, see Packaging Entries.