Set up packaging

Article09/04/202410 min read

Before working with packaging some setup is required. This setup determines the packaging items and the packaging locations that will be used.

Packaging Setup

On the Packaging Setup page, you can determine configurations based on which the packaging calculations are performed.

To configure the Packaging Setup page, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Packaging Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Packaging Setup page opens.
  2. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
Packaging Location bySelect the option from which the location should be considered for packaging calculations.
Document Header – The packaging location configured on the Location Card page of the location specified in the order header is used for packaging calculations for the items in the order lines. This is the default option.
Document Line - The packaging location configured on the Location Card page of the location specified in the order line is used for packaging calculations for the items in the order lines. This is the default option.
This functionality is applicable to the following documents:
  • Purchase orders
  • Purchase invoices
  • Purchase return orders
  • Purchase credit memos
  • Sales orders
  • Sales invoices
  • Sales return orders
  • Sales credit memos
    For more information, see Packaging calculations.
  • Packaging Calculation MethodSelect the appropriate option.
    Manual – The Packaging calculations are initiated when the packaging page is manually opened from the order. The lines for packaging items are added to the order upon posting the receipt or shipment.
    On Release - The packaging calculations are initiated and the lines for packaging items are added to the order when the order is released.
    For more information, see Packaging calculations.
    Calculate Packaging PerSelect the option based on which the packaging calculations should be handled when multiple items share the same packaging type and packaging location. This field is editable only when the Packaging Calculation Method field is set to On Release.
    Order - The packaging calculations are performed when the order is released and the lines for packaging items are added to the order below the already existing lines. If multiple items in the order have the same packaging type and same packaging location, the quantity for the relevant packaging item is consolidated and presented as a single line.
    Item – Packaging calculations are performed when the order is released and the lines for packaging items are added below each order line for which it is calculated. Even when multiple items in the order have the same packaging type and same packaging location, the packaging items are calculated separately, and their lines are added individually below each corresponding order line.
    For more information, see Packaging calculations.
    Allow Recalculate PackagingTurn on this toggle to automatically select the Allow Packaging ReCalculation checkbox for each order line, which determines whether the quantity of the relevant packaging items should be automatically updated when the quantity of non-packaging items in the order is modified. The Allow Packaging ReCalculation checkbox is available on the documents, such as sales orders, sales invoices, sales return orders, sales credit memos, purchase orders, purchase invoices, purchase return orders, purchase credit memos, and transfer orders. This toggle is editable only when the Packaging Calculation Method field is set to On Release.
    For more information, see Packaging calculations.
    Round Order Bound Shipping Containers PerSelect the option that determines the sequence of operations, such as summing and rounding off, when calculating packaging quantity for combined order bound if multiple items within the order share the same packaging type and same packaging location. This field is editable only when the Packaging Calculation Method field is set to On Release and Calculate Packaging Per field is set to Order. This functionality works only for sales documents, such as sales orders, sales invoices, sales return orders, and sales credit memos.
    Order – The calculated quantity for order bound packaging items is first summed across all order lines and then rounded off to the to the next whole integer.
    Order Line – The quantity for order bound packaging items is calculated per line, rounded off to the next whole integer, and then these quantities are summed across all lines.
    For more information, see Packaging calculations.

    Packaging Types

    You can link packaging types to an item number in order to manage stock levels and stock values for packaging. The system will create order lines and item ledger entries for transactions in which the packaging type is used. If no item is linked, the system will only register the packaging type code within transactions, without keeping stock of the packaging item.

    An important condition for the items that are used as packaging is that these items have no item tracking code.

    1. Select the Search icon , enter Packaging Types, and then choose the related link.
      The Packaging Types page opens.

    2. On the action bar, select New.

    3. In the Code field, enter the required code of the packaging.

    4. In the Description field, enter the required description of the packaging.


      You can edit this value even if there are existing packaging entries for the packaging type.

      The items linked to a packaging type are kept in inventory.

    5. In the Item No. field, select the required item number linked to the packaging type from the drop-down menu.

    6. In the Shipping Type field, select the required options from the drop-down menu. The related options are:

      • Shipping Container: A Shipping Container is, for example, a pallet that contains stacked trade items such as cases or crates. The shipping containers are shipped as individual logistics units.
      • Shipping Unit: A Shipping Unit is a transport item used to ship small quantities of one or more items such as cases, crates, or trays.
    7. In the Handling field, select the handling type for the packaging item such as Deposit or Lost.


    In the case of partial transactions, if the value is changed in the second or upcoming transaction, the system considers the present value when the document is posted.

    The packaging type is now set up.

    Setup Wizard to create item for packaging type

    You can create a packaging item using a function if the type of item for packaging does not already exist.

    1. On the Packaging Types page, on the action bar, select New and enter the required code.
    2. On the action bar, select Actions > Create item for Packaging type.

    The item templates are shown on the Item Templates page, and you can set up an item template dedicated to packaging items.

    Register Packaging Setup

    To enable the automatic calculation of packaging for inbound and outbound transactions, you need to select specific checkboxes for each location. You can select these checkboxes when registering packaging. However, if packaging is registered with a scanner or another extension, you can clear the checkbox to avoid double registration of packaging.

    1. Select the Search icon , enter Register Packaging Setup, and then choose the related link. The Register Packaging Setup page opens.
      2.In the Location Code field, select the required location from the drop-down menu.
    2. Select the Inbound Transactions checkbox to register the packaging for the inbound transaction automatically.
      When the Inbound Transactions checkbox is selected, (purchase orders, incoming transfer orders, and sales return orders) on a specific location, packaging will be automatically calculated when opening the packaging screen and the item bound packaging will be automatically posted on the receipt. It works similarly for outbound transactions.
    3. Select the Outbound Transactions checkbox to register the packaging for outbound transactions automatically.

    Deleting the location in the Packaging Location field on the Location Card page does not completely remove it. To completely delete it, you must also delete the location from the Register Packaging Setup and the Locations page.

    The Register Packaging Setup is now completed.

    Packaging Locations

    The Packaging Location must be linked to a location. The packaging location is used for automatic packaging postings.


    Please ensure that a Direct Posting location is selected as the Packaging Location on the Location Card page. To know more about posting, see Set Up Posting Groups.

    Setup Wizard to create packaging location and register packaging setup

    If the packaging location is empty on the Locations page, Dynamics 365 Business Central has a setup wizard that can assist in setting up a packaging location and defining the setup of incoming and outgoing transactions.

    1. Open the Locations page, on the action bar, select New. The Location Card page opens.

    2. In the Code field, enter the required code.

    3. On the action bar, select Create Packaging Location.

    4. On the Packaging Location Setup Wizard page, complete the required setups. After finishing the setup wizard, the packaging location is set up.


      The linked packing location is shown in the Packaging Location field under the Warehouse FastTab on the Location Card page.

    1. Select the Search icon , enter Locations, and then choose the required option.

    2. On the Locations page, in the Code field, select the required code. The Location Card page.

    3. On the Warehouse FastTab, in the Packaging Location field, select the required location from the drop-down menu.


      The packaging location should be set as a direct posting location.

    The packaging location is now set up.

    Packaging Setup for Customer/Vendor

    You can configure packaging setup for customers and vendors, which involves defining consolidation accounts and determining responsibility for handling shipping units and containers to calculate packaging balances. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

    1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
      The Customers list page opens.
    2. Select the required No..
      The Customer Card page opens.
    3. On the action bar, select Related > Customer > Packaging Setup.
      The Packaging page for the specific customer/vendor opens.
    4. On the Setup FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
    Consolidation AccountEnter the name of a group of customers/vendors that collectively report outstanding packaging balances. This account groups customers/vendors reporting on outstanding packaging balances together and then used for all packaging transactions. When a customer is also set up as a vendor, the same consolidation code is used on both master data cards to consolidate both packaging accounts. 
    To ensure accurate accounting for multiple customers/vendors reporting packaging under the same reference account number, it is essential to configure all customer/vendor cards with an identical code as the consolidation account.
    Round order Bound Shipping Containers PerSelect the option that determines the sequence of operations, such as summing and rounding off, when calculating packaging quantity for combined order bound if multiple items within the order share the same packaging type and same packaging location. This field is editable only when the Packaging Calculation Method field is set to On Release and Calculate Packaging Per field is set to Order. This functionality works only for sales documents, such as sales orders, sales invoices, sales return orders, and sales credit memos.
    Order – The calculated quantity for the packaging item is summed first and then rounded off.
    Order Line – The calculated quantity for the packaging item is rounded off first and then summed.
    If this field is left blank, the option selected in the Round Order Bound Shipping Containers Per field on the Packaging Setup page will be considered for this customer.
    1. On the Shipping Responsibility for FastTab, fill in the fields as follows:
    Responsible Shipping Units BalanceSelect whether the responsibility for managing the packaging type designated as a shipping unit in the item default packaging lies with the customer or shipping agent. This selection is utilized to compute the packaging balances for either the customer or the shipping agent. The field is set to Customer by default.
    Responsible Shipping Container BalanceSelect whether the responsibility for managing the packaging type designated as a shipping container in the item default packaging lies with the customer or shipping agent. This selection is utilized to compute the packaging balances for either the customer or the shipping agent. The field is set to Customer by default.

    The values in the Responsible Shipping Units Balance and Responsible Shipping Container Balance fields are automatically populated in the respective fields on the Sales Order/Purchase Order page when the specific customer/vendor is selected.

    Similarly, you can configure this setup for a vendor on the Vendor Card page as well.