Packaging in Transfer Order

Article07/04/20232 min read

Packaging can be registered manually on every Transfer Order. If an inbound warehouse transaction is needed, packaging must be registered separately in the transfer order. The warehouse transactions packaging is registered separately in,

  • Inventory Put Away
  • Warehouse Receipt

You can register the packaging in the Transfer Order with the Warehouse Shipment using the following steps:

  1. Open a new Transfer Order and fill in the necessary fields.

  2. On the Lines FastTab, in the Item No. and Quantity fields, enter the required number and quantity of the item.

  3. On the action bar, select Related > Order > Packaging.
    The Packaging Transaction - Transfer Order page opens. You can view the Order Bound Packaging and Item Bound Packaging records on the Packaging Transaction page. When packaging is linked to the item(s) in the order, the system will automatically calculate and show the packaging type and quantities. The quantities and types of the Order Bound Packaging can be changed. You cannot change the Item Bound Packaging.

  4. Select Close.

  5. On the Transfer Order page, on the action bar, select Posting > Post.

  6. Select Ship. After shipping the transfer order, the packaging that is selected on the Packaging page is shown on the Transfer Lines.

  7. On the Transfer Order page, on the action bar, select Create Whse. Receipt. The Packaging is not added to the Warehouse Shipment because the packaging is placed in a location that is on direct booking.

  8. In the Qty. to Receive field, enter the required value.

  9. Select Post Receipt.