Packaging Entries

Article06/13/20243 min read

A separate administration of packaging entries is created as transactions containing packaging items are posted. These packaging entries are created only from purchase and sales orders. To access these entries:

Select the Search icon , enter Packaging Entries, and then choose the related link.
The Packaging Entries page opens.

The Packaging Entries page will provide an overview of outstanding packaging balances at either the customer or vendor (group) level or for the shipping agent. On this page, you can observe the responsible individual for managing the packaging type. This information is displayed in the Responsibility Type and Responsibility Code fields for each specific entry. For instance, if the Responsibility Type field is designated as Customer, then the Responsibility Code field will display the customer number.

Correct Packaging Entries

In specific scenarios, you may need to change the responsible individual for packaging entries due to reasons such as shifts in responsibilities, or the need for more accurate tracking of packaging management. In such instances, you have the option to alter them by assigning a different responsibility type and person.

The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Open the Packaging Balance page from the relevant Customer Card, Vendor Card, or Shipping Agents page associated with the individual whose responsibility you want to change.

  2. In the Balance field, select the value for the relevant packaging type.
    The Packaging Entries page opens and displays the existing packaging entries related to the responsible person.

  3. Select an entry for which you want to change the responsibility.

  4. On the action bar, select Correct Packaging Entries.
    A dialog box appears.

  5. In the Responsibility Type field, select the relevant type for the new responsible individual.
    However, there are certain restrictions depending on the current responsible type:

    • If a vendor is currently responsible, you can reassign it to another vendor or a shipping agent.
    • If a customer is currently responsible, you can reassign it to another customer or a shipping agent.
    • If a shipping agent is currently responsible, you have the flexibility to reassign the responsibility to another shipping agent, or either a customer or vendor.
  6. In the Responsibility Code field, select the code of the new responsible person.


This value corresponds to the selection made in the Responsibility Type field. For example, if the Responsibility Type field is set to Customer, the Responsibility Code field relates to the customer number.

  1. Select Yes.

The responsible type and person are successfully updated for the relevant packaging entry.

Furthermore, a negative adjustment entry will be created on the Packaging Entries page of the previous responsible person, while a new entry with a positive adjustment will be created on the Packaging Entries page of the new responsible person, along with all other relevant information.


The entries for which the responsible type and person have already been changed cannot be modified again, and the entries that are created with negative adjustments due to the change in responsibility cannot be modified. Also, the entries with document type as Correction cannot be changed. However, the entries that are created with a positive adjustment due to the change in responsibility can be modified.