Packaging Balance

Article06/13/20242 min read

You can view the packaging balances for specific shipping agents, customers, and vendors for the packaging types that are managed by them. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Shipping Agents, and then choose the related link.
    The Shipping Agents page opens.
  2. Select the shipping agent for whom you want to view the packaging balance.
  3. On the action bar, select Shipping Agent > Packaging Balance.
    The Packaging Balance page opens for the selected shipping agent.

You can view the outstanding packaging balance for all packaging types managed by the selected shipping agent. This list is filtered from the Packaging Entries page based on the values in the Responsibility Type and Responsibility Code fields.

Similarly, you can view the packaging balances for specific customers and vendors by selecting Related > Customer or Vendor > Packaging Balance on the respective Customer Card and Vendor Card pages. If a customer has a positive balance, it means that they have received more of the packaging type than they have returned. On the other hand, if a vendor has a positive balance, it means that they have returned less of the packaging type than they have supplied.

Correct Balance

In certain scenarios, discrepancies may arise where a customer, vendor, or shipping agent reports different outstanding packaging quantities compared to what is displayed in your packaging administration. To rectify this, adjustments can be made to the packaging administration, thereby adjusting the packaging entries. These adjustments only affect the packaging administration and do not impact the item ledger entries. Consequently, the stock levels for the packaging items remain unaffected by these adjustments. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On the action bar, select Correct Balance.
    The confirmation dialog box appears.
  2. In the New Quantity field, enter the desired total outstanding balance for the packaging type.
  3. Select Yes.

A notification appears indicating the quantity added to the outstanding balance. Furthermore, an entry will be created on the Packaging Entries page for the specific packaging type, detailing the relevant shipping agent and document type as Correction.