Outbound Transactions

Article08/22/20245 min read

Depending on the Outbound Transactions checkbox on the Register Packaging Setup page, the default item packaging may or may not have been calculated in advance. For more information, see Register Packaging Setup. Packaging can be registered manually on every outbound transaction. On the following outbound transactions, you can register the packaging:

  • Sales Order
  • Warehouse Shipment
  • Purchase Return Order
  • Sales Invoice
  • Purchase Credit Memo

When item packaging is configured for document lines, the system displays default packaging and automatically calculates packaging quantity. Sections ahead will cover packaging management while using Create and Correct document functions, and later parts will demonstrate how packaging is recorded during various transactions, including outbound transactions that are directly posted and outbound warehouse transactions that are not directly posted (e.g., warehouse shipment and inventory pick).

Functions to create documents

The following functions help you create the inbound transaction documents:

  • Function Copy documents from various order types: When executing the Copy documents function, if a document with packaging lines that were automatically added through the packaging module is selected, the system will not duplicate these lines in the new document. This is done to prevent the packaging from being added twice. It is recommended that the user verifies the packaging calculations by navigating to Order > Packaging and posting them. Once this is done, the order lines will be automatically inserted.
  • Function Get posted document lines to reverse from various order types: When the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse functions are executed, the system will not copy the automatically added packaging lines to the new document. This is done to prevent the packaging from being added twice. It is recommended that the user verifies the packaging calculations by navigating to Order > Packaging and posting them. Once this is done, the order lines will be automatically inserted.

Functions to correct documents

You must manually undo the shipment of the linked packaging line when undoing the shipment of a purchased or produced item with linked packaging. It is not done automatically.

When shipment lines for packaging items are undone, the packaging administration (packaging entries and packaging specification) is not updated automatically, and the user needs to do it manually.

Function Correct on the sales invoice

When executing the Correct Sales Invoice function, the system will first create a credit memo in which trading items and packaging items are reversed. Afterwards, the system will recreate the purchase invoice header but will omit packaging lines that were created by the system in the original transaction. This is done to prevent the packaging from being added twice when the corrective purchase invoice is posted.

Function Corrective credit memo

When executing the Corrective Credit Memo function from the sales invoice, the system will create a credit memo in which trading items are reversed. Lines for packaging items are omitted. This is done to prevent the packaging from being added twice when the corrective credit memo is posted.

Directly posted outbound transactions

Packaging can be registered in all transactions. After registration, a real-time overview of outstanding packaging balances per customer is shown in the packaging entries.

Calculation for packaging lines

In outbound transactions, a user can perform different actions that can affect the created packaging lines. These actions only have an effect when packaging lines are automatically calculated instead of manually added (i.e., when the Outbound Transactions checkbox is selected on the Register Packaging Setup page).

The work instructions for all the directly posted outbound transactions are the same. You can register the packaging in the sales order with the following steps:

  1. Select the Search icon Search-icon.png, enter Sales orders and choose the related link. The Sales Orders page opens.
  2. Select New to open the Sales Order card page and create a new entry.
  3. On the General FastTab, in the Customer No. field, select the customer number.
  4. On the Shipping and Billing FastTab, in the Units and Container fields, the values are inherited from the respective fields of the Packaging setup page of the selected customer. You can modify the value even after is inherited. These fields are also available on the following pages:
    • Purchase Return Order
    • Purchase Credit Memo
    • Purchase Return Order Archive
    • Sales Order
    • Sales Invoice
    • Sales Order Archive

Ensure the shipping Agent field on the Shipping and Billing FastTab has a value if either of the above fields has a value assigned as Shipping Agent. Also, in the case of partial transactions, if the values of the Units and Container fields are changed in the second or upcoming transaction, the system considers the present value when the document is posted.

  1. On the Lines FastTab, enter the desired values in the No., Quantity, and Qty. to Ship fields.

The Qty. to Ship field must be filled to view the packaging calculation.

After this step, this process continues in the Packaging calculations topic. You can perform packaging calculations when the document is released or posted. For more information, see Packaging calculations.

Outbound warehouse transactions

Depending on the Outbound Transactions checkbox on the Register Packaging Setup page, the default packaging is automatically calculated in outbound warehouse shipments based on the Quantity to Ship field. For more information, see Register Packaging Setup. You can add or change the outbound order packaging. When the location requires a warehouse shipment the system calculates the default packaging in the warehouse shipment and not in the sales order. The work instructions for all outbound warehouse transactions are the same. You can register the packaging in the Warehouse Shipment with the following steps:

  1. Select the Search icon Search-icon.png, enter Warehouse Shipments and choose the related link.
    The Warehouse Shipments page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New to create a new warehouse shipment.
    The Warehouse Shipment page opens.
  3. In the No. field, enter the related number of the warehouse shipment.
  4. In the Location Code field, select the related code for the location.
  5. On the action bar, select Prepare > Get Source Documents.
    The Source Documents page opens.
  6. Select the sales order document(s).

After this step, this process continues in the packaging calculations topic. You can perform packaging calculations when the document is released or posted. For more information, see Packaging calculations.