Set outstanding lines to underdelivery

Article08/09/20231 min read

Instead of manually selecting the Underdelivery field for each line on the warehouse shipment/receipt or purchase/sales order, you can use the Set Outstanding Lines to Underdelivery action to automatically update the relevant fields on valid lines.

Underdelivery is determined by the following formula:

  • For warehouse shipments and sales orders, if Quantity > Qty. to Ship + Qty. Shipped
  • For warehouse receipts and purchase orders, if Quantity > Qty. to Receive + Qty. Received
  1. On the Warehouse Shipment/Receipt or Purchase/Sales Order page, go to Home > Set Outstanding Lines to Underdelivery.
  2. Select Yes on the dialog which appears.
    If the Required Underdelivery Reason Code toggle is turned on for the customer, a dialog will ask you to select an OUD Reason Code for all lines without a code.
    The Underdelivery field is selected on all valid lines which are displayed. Any lines that are hidden by filters will not be updated by this action.
    If no applicable lines are found, a message will indicate that “No valid lines exist for this action to work.”

    By default, the Allowed % Underdelivery value is ignored. You can choose to respect this value by enabling it in the setup.