
Article04/10/20244 min read

The Move activity works in the same manner as the Item Reclassification Journal, and utilizes this functionality to process movements. As a result, you must set up at least one transfer item journal template with a defined number series:

Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration will use this assigned number series to assign numbers to movements that are processed through a handheld device.

The Move activity can be configured for a particular mobile profile by entering MOVEMENT in the Page field on the Mobile Profile Setup page.

  • Require Complete Movement: Indicate whether you want to require that all items that have been selected by a user for movement must be moved before that user can perform additional activities. If this feature is enabled and a user moves items to his or her user-specific warehouse bin, that bin must be emptied before a new activity can be processed.
  • Allow Negative Shipping/Pick by Bin: Indicate whether you want to permit the movement of a quantity of items from a particular bin that is greater than the amount that has already been assigned to pick activities. When an item exists within a warehouse bin, Business Central maintains both the quantity of that item that is assigned to open picks and the quantity of the item that has already been handled on registered picks. If this feature is enabled, users will be allowed to move a greater quantity of an item than the difference between its bin quantity and the sum of these two values. For example, suppose 100 units of an item are stored within a bin. Currently, outstanding pick activity exists for 20 units of the item. In addition, 40 units have already been picked and are awaiting shipment. In this scenario, 60 units have been assigned to picking activities. If the allow negative shipping/pick by bin option is enabled, the user would have the ability to move a quantity greater than 40 units of the item from the bin.
  • Require Reason Code for Move: If this feature is enabled, it will require a reason code to be entered as part of any movement activity. If it is disabled, it will not be necessary or possible to assign a reason code as part of the movement process.
  • Allow Check Out/Negative Adjustment: Indicate whether you want to permit the negative adjustment of items that have been selected for movement. If this feature is enabled, a “check out” feature will be made available to the user. When items are selected for movement, the check-out feature can be used to perform a negative adjustment, removing the items from inventory.
  • Only allow movements in the default location: Indicate whether you want to restrict a user’s movement activities to his or her default location. While it is possible to set up multiple warehouse employee records for a single user, only one can be identified as the user’s default location. If this feature is enabled, the user may only process warehouse movements within that default.
  • Require Reason Code on Check Out: When the setting in the Allow Check Out/Negative Adjustment field is set to Yes, mobile users will have the ability to perform a negative adjustment of items that have been selected for movement. Enabling the require reason code on check out option will require that that a reason code be entered as part of any check out activity. When a user attempts to use the check-out feature, Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration will prompt that user to enter a reason code. Only once a valid reason code is entered will the program process the check out. If this option is not enabled, it will not be necessary or possible to assign a reason code as part of a check out process. If the setting in the Allow Check Out/Negative Adjustment field is set to No, check out capabilities will not be available, and the require reason code on check out setting will be ignored.
  • Default Mode: Upon selecting the Default Mode on the Mobile Profile Setup page in Business Central, these are the modes available in the Move screen in the MWR app:
    • Take: This is the default mode in the Move screen.
    • Put: Added specifically to improve the efficiency of moving a full license plate from its current bin to a new one. Unlike the current multi-step process, the user only needs to scan the Bin, the LP to move to, and finally the License Plate to complete the operation.
    • PartialLP: Added specially to move partial quantity of the License Plate from one license plate to another License Plate (new or existing).

The Put and Partial LP mode works only with License Plates.