Integration with SSCC

Article06/09/20234 min read

To set up an SSCC shipping container, see Default packaging type for SSCC. While handling a Sales Order based Warehouse Pick using the Mobile Warehouse Registration app, turn on the Mandatory SSCC Shipping Types toggle on the License Plating FastTab on Mobile Setup page, to use the shipping types. In such scenario, the Enable SSCC toggle on the Customer SSCC Setup page on the Customers page is enabled.

The Shipping Container of the selected License Plate number must be equal to the default SSCC Shipping container or Default Packaging Setup of the item.

If the Mandatory SSCC Shipping Types toggle is turned on, a check will be activated on the Shipping Container of the selected License Plate number to check whether it is equal to the default SSCC Shipping Container set in the Default Packaging Setup. If true, the system will check if a Default SSCC Shipping Unit exists and ask you to approve it to be used as Item Packaging.

In that case, the shipping unit code should be suggested in the Mobile Device. You must approve the correct shipping unit.

If the Mandatory SSCC Shipping Types toggle is disabled, you can select any shipping unit code or skip this step. When you select a shipping unit, it is checked if the selected shipping unit code exists in the Default Packaging. No check is required if you skip this step.

The selected shipping container and shipping unit should be stored in the Mobile Scan entry.

In Business Central

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Mobile Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Mobile Setup page opens.
  2. Turn on the Mandatory SSCC Shipping Types toggle.

In the Mobile Warehouse Registration App

  1. Select the Pick icon on the home screen of the mobile device to open the Pick page.

  2. Enter or scan the Warehouse Pick number on the Pick/SO/Trans/WMS No. field.
    If the entered Warehouse pick was not previously assigned, your ID would be automatically assigned to both Warehouse Shipment and Warehouse Pick in Business Central.

  3. On the Identifier field, enter or scan the License Plate number.
    The selected License Plate should be in the correct License Plate number format, so the License Plate can be used without the need to transfer to another License Plate number.
    The Shipping Container of the selected License Plate number should be equal to the default SSCC Shipping Container or Default Packaging Setup of the item as the Mandatory SSCC Shipping Types field is enabled.


    In case no shipping container is set for that item as Default for SSCC field is set as Yes in the Default Packaging, then all the shipping containers are allowed.

    When you scan a License Plate number with the item stored on the pallet, there is no need to fill the Shipping Container.

  4. On the Identifier field, scan another License Plate number.
    Suppose the Shipping container is equal to the default shipping container or the Default Packaging Setup of the item. In that case, the system will proceed to the second check regarding the shipping unit:

    1. The code of the shipping unit from the Default Packaging Setup is displayed for your approval. You can approve the shipping unit code.
    2. If a crater is used on the physical pallet, then you can select a crater, and it is checked if a default shipping unit is equal to the crater on the Customer SSCC Setup. If not, you need to enter or scan the License Plate number. If no default shipping unit is available for the item, then you can fill any shipping unit or skip this step.
    3. If the Source Type and Source No. fields on the Default Packaging are filled, then the check only applies to that specific customer. For other customers, it is considered that no Default Packaging exists in this scenario.

While transferring the scan entries, the selected Shipping Container Code and Shipping Unit Code are stored on the Mobile Scan Entries page.

If the Mandatory SSCC Shipping Types field on the Mobile Setup page is disabled, you can select any shipping unit code or skip this step.

  • When no default item package has been set up for the selected item, there will be no error in all cases.
  • When the default SSCC has been enabled for multiple lines in the Default Packaging Setup of the item, the check should follow a hierarchy check to select the correct line. This applies to both shipping containers and shipping units.
    1. It is checked if the Source Type, Source No and Ship-to Address are filled out for a line. If yes, select this line.
    2. If empty, check if the Source Type and Source No. fields are filled out. If yes, then select this line.
    3. If empty, use the line with only item/variant and source type as empty.

The Mandatory SSCC Shipping Types field on the Mobile Setup page is checked on the customer level instead of the company level.