Mobile Warehouse Registration Setup

Article06/19/20232 min read

To effectively utilize the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration extension, the following setup activities must be completed:

  • Mobile Setup: Configure the mobile setup to enable the processing of mobile transactions according to your specific requirements and desired values.

  • Mobile Pages: Define the different pages that can be accessed and viewed through a mobile device. These pages will provide the necessary functionality for mobile users.

  • Mobile Profiles: Create distinct groups or profiles for warehouse users. Each profile will have different permissions and access levels based on their role and responsibilities.

  • Mobile Profile Setup: Customize the options and settings for each mobile page that can be accessed through the Mobile Warehouse Registration extension. This allows you to tailor the functionality and features available to different user profiles.

  • Barcode Formats: Configure barcode formats to facilitate the import of data into Business Central from barcodes. This allows for efficient and accurate data entry using barcode scanning capabilities.

  • Business Central User Setup: Create a standard user account within Business Central and assign the required permissions for accessing and utilizing the Mobile Warehouse Registration extension. This ensures that users have the appropriate credentials and access levels to perform their tasks effectively.

  • Mobile User Setup: Set up the mobile users who will access Business Central through the Mobile Warehouse Registration extension. This ensures they have the necessary permissions and privileges to utilize mobile functionality.

  • Warehouse Employee Setup: Associate mobile users with specific locations where they will record their activities. By setting up mobile users as warehouse employees, their activities will be linked to the respective locations.

  • Create Default Setup: This option creates all the default setup data required for Mobile Warehouse Registration, including Mobile Setup, Mobile Pages, Mobile Profiles, Mobile Profile Pages, Mobile Profile Setup, and Mobile Language. Please note that existing setup data that may have been modified will be deleted during this process.

Completing these setup activities will ensure a smooth and effective utilization of the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration extension, empowering your organization with mobile functionality and streamlined warehouse operations.