Production Consumption Catch Weight Item

Article07/26/20231 min read

Production Consumption for Catch Weight Item

You can view the weight for the Catch Weight item while registering a Production Consumption activity for a License Plate tracked item on the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app. Perform the following setups prior to performing a Production Consumption activity:

  • A Catch Weight Item must be created.
  • A Warehouse Pick must exist and be registered for the released Production Order where the Production Consumption item has been moved from one Bin Code to another.

Follow the below steps to perform a Production Consumption activity:

  1. On the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app Home page, select the Production icon.
  2. In the Prod. Order No. field, enter or scan the Production Order No.
  3. On the action bar, choose Toggle.
    The Output screen switches to Consume screen.
  4. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the License Plate No.
  5. In the To Consume field, enter a quantity.
  6. Press Enter to record the consumption quantity.
    The total Weight quantity posted for consumption of the selected item reflects in the Consumed field. The Remaining field will show the quantity to be consumed.

You can perform the Production Consumption activity for both License Plate tracked and Lot tracked Catch Weight items.