
Article06/13/20233 min read

The Planned Move activity can be configured for a particular mobile profile by entering PLANMOVE in the Page field on the Mobile Profile Setup page.

Fill in the fields as follows:

  • Allow Register: Indicate whether mobile users will have the ability to register warehouse documents directly from a handheld device. If this option is not enabled, registering must be recorded through the Business Central client.

  • Input Qty. to Handle: Indicate whether mobile users will have the ability to enter the specific quantity of an item that will be handled as part of a movement activity. For example, if we enabled this option and wished to record a movement for 50 units of an item, we could enter a quantity to handle of 50 units. If this option is not enabled, the quantity to handle will always default to 1 unit of the item. This is useful when a company wishes to ensure that every unit of an item is recorded as part of a movement process. Using our previous example, not enabling this option would result in a default quantity of 1 unit, requiring that each of the 50 units be recorded as part of the movement activity.

  • Accumulate Qty.: Indicate whether the recording of multiple movement quantities against the same document line will be cumulative. If this option is enabled, a movement quantity will continue to increase with each activity. For example, if we recorded a movement quantity of 2 units against a document line, then recorded a second movement quantity of 3 units against the same line, the total quantity to move would be 5 units. If this option is not enabled, the last recorded quantity will be interpreted as the quantity to move. Using our previous scenario, recording first a quantity of 2 units and then a quantity of 3 units would result in a total quantity to move of 3 units. Please note that when the setting in the Input Qty. to Handle field is set to No, it is recommended that this feature be enabled, since a direction to not accumulate entered quantities would result in the quantity to handle for all activities being set to 1 unit.

  • Require Qty. Confirmation: When the setting in the Input Qty. to Handle field is set to No, the quantity to handle for an item being processed as part of a movement activity will default to a value of 1 unit. If the require quantity confirmation option is enabled, mobile users must confirm this entry of 1 unit before it will be recorded as being moved. If this option is not enabled, the movement activity will be automatically recorded with the entry of the relevant item number. If the setting in the Input Qty. to Handle field is set to Yes, mobile users will always have the ability to enter the handled quantity, and the require quantity confirmation setting will be ignored.

  • Auto Print License Plate Label: Indicates whether the License Plate label will be printed automatically. If this option is enabled, when you generate a new pick License Plate in the planned movement process due to a partial movement, a new label is printed automatically after the inventory movement is registered.