Planned Move

Article06/09/20232 min read

This activity allows the user to move items between warehouse bins. It is similar to the Unplanned Move activity mentioned above, but the major difference is that the Unplanned Move activity is designed to record the ad hoc movement of items, while the Planned Move activity represents a scheduled process and is performed against an inventory movement record in Business Central.

Like the Unplanned Move activity, the Planned Move activity requires that both the take and place components of a warehouse movement activity be recorded. This is in contrast to the Put-Away and Pick mobile activities. When a put-away/pick is created in Business Central, each item appears on two lines – a “take” line in which the removal of the item from its current bin is recorded, and a “place” line in which the placement of the item into a new bin is recorded. While this pairing of lines is necessary for Business Central to ensure integrity in the processing of warehouse movements, from a data entry perspective it is oftentimes superfluous. As a result, the Put-Away and Pick mobile activities are designed so that entered activity for an item will instruct the application to update both the associated take and place lines. If an organization does wish to record both the take and place components of put-away or pick activities, there is a Take and Place setting that can be activated as part of the mobile transaction’s configuration. If this option is set to Yes, the activity will still be generated as a put-away or pick record in Business Central, but the mobile interface will present the Planned Movement activity. While all mobile information is entered as a planned movement, the appropriate put-away or pick is updated in Business Central.

In addition to being available for selection in the Action menu on the home screen, the Planned Move activity can be launched in the following ways:

  • With the home screen open, pressing the F1 button on the handheld device.
  • Entering or scanning an inventory movement or (depending on setup) warehouse pick or put-away number in the quick scan area on the home screen.
  • Clicking the Planned Move icon in the Tile view or the Planned Move option in the list view on the home screen.